SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2803351 - You Didn't Receive E-mail after Accepting the Lead.


Your E-mail "" (where stands for your Email address) Didn't Receive E-mail after Accepting the Lead.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Home work center, open Inbox view
  2. Click "Subscribe to Tasks" button
  3. Select New Business- Leads- Accept or Reject Lead <Lead ID> <Formatted Name of Sales Prospect>
  4. You can see that E-Mail is selected which means you can receive the e-mail after accepting the lead.
  5. Go to Business Configuration work center
  6. Open Activity “E-Mail and Fax Settings”
  7. You can find that in a Non-Productive System the button "Send all e-mails to this address" is maintained and the address is (where stands for the E-mail address maintained in the system)


The E-mail address maintained in the system is different from your expected one. In the Non-Productive System, all e-mails are sent to


Change the maintained e-mail address.


E-mail, Leads, Non-Productive System , KBA , CRM-IPS-ICM-CMG , Cases and Leads , How To


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