When you tried to release a transport request, the following error happened.
Repair <SID>K9***** may only contain repaired objects
Message no. TK181
In repairs, you can only lock and edit those objects whose original exists in another SAP System.
The object R3TR <Object Type> <Object name> was found in the object list of your repair <SID>K9*****. This object is not a copy but the original.
System Response
The function terminates.
Delete this object from the repair before you repeat the function.
Use a correction for changes to original objects.
You can assign repairs and corrections to the same request to ensure, for example, that they are part of the same transport. For more information about the functions of the Transport Organizer, see the SAP Library under BC - Basis Components -> Change and Transport System.
Release independent
TK181, Task Type, repair, SE01, SE09, SE10, STMS, original system , KBA , BC-CTS-ORG , Workbench/Customizing Organizer , BC-CTS-TLS , Transport Tools , How To
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