- You want to perform a data backup of an SAP HANA tenant database to backint interface;
- You are using SAP HANA Studio;
- SAP HANA is runing on Multitenant Database Containers mode (MDC);
- When you try to perform a database backup to backint, you get the following error:
Could not start backup for system <SID> DBC: [447] backup could not be completed: [110091] Invalid path selection for data backup using backint: /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/backint/COMPLETE_DATA_BACKUP must start with /usr/sap/<SID>/SYS/global/hdb/backint/DB_<TENANT>
- SAP HANA Platform 1.0 SPS09 and higher;
- SAP HANA Platform 2.0.
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions
could not backup system, cannot, couldn't, back up, studio, backint , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , HAN-STD-ADM-DBA , SAP HANA Studio (Eclipse) Admin Tooling , HAN-STD-ADM-BAC , SAP HANA Studio Backup & Recovery , Problem
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