The 'Upload Service Confirmations from Microsoft Excel' option appears grayed out in the Time Administration work center.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Time Administration work center.
- Navigate to Time Recording view.
- Select the Action button.
The option 'Upload Service Confirmations from Microsoft Excel' is grayed out.
Time recording integration for sales orders has not been scoped.
Time recording integration for sales orders needs to be scoped in the system before the action Upload Service Confirmations from Microsoft Excel is enabled.
Service confirmations are linked to Sales Orders.
- You can scope the Time recording integration for sales orders as follows:
- Go to the Business Configuration work center.
- Select the Implementation Projects view.
- Select you respective implementation project.
- Click on the Edit Project Scope button.
- Navigate to the Questions tab.
- Expand the Scoping Elements with the following path:
- Sales>Selling Products and Services>Sales Orders
- The Question following Question needs to be in scope: Do you want to record time for sales orders?
Please note that this means that you cannot create manual Service Confirmations for your Sales Orders anymore but the Service Confirmations will be created via the Time Recording.
See also the following KBA’s for the process with both scenarios in the example of a Service with item type Service - Time and Material:
2875032 - CRM Scenario: Service - Time and Material in Sales Order
Further examples are also liked in the KBA 2875052 - CRM Scenario: Services and Expenses in Sales Order (Summary Table)
See Also
KBA 2875032 - CRM Scenario: Service - Time and Material in Sales Order
KBA 2875052 - CRM Scenario: Services and Expenses in Sales Order (Summary Table)
Time, Upload, Service, Excel , KBA , SRD-HR-TLM , Time and Labour Management , How To