You are trying to request a Leave of Absence or edit one existing leave and during this process you are getting the following error message:
"You cannot request an absence as specified because the time recording variant in the employee's job info shows a change between these dates."
SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central (EC) - All Versions
Reproducing the Issue
- Select any employee;
- Go to the leave request page;
- Try to create a Leave and get the mentioned error;
So far we have identified two possible causes for this:
- There was a change in the Job Information of the employee changing the field Time Recording Variant;
- There is a data issue and SAP product support needs to be involved;
In order to fix this issue please perform the following steps:
- Perform a Person Employment and Export for the Job Information of the Employee you are getting this error (if you have questions how to do this, please refer to 2266216);
- In the export you'll need at least event date (start-date) and time-recording-variant fields;
- Check if for the period where you are requesting the leave, there is any changes in the field time-recording-variant fields;
- If you are able to identify that there was a change then you need to correct the job history vie import making sure that this field has the same value within the period, and you'll do this via full purge of the job history (2317955);
Note: if you have leaves already requested in your job history, you'll need to first cancel those leaves then perform the full purge of the job history and then recreate the leaves.
If you are not able to identify any inconsistency within the job history, then please create a support ticket.
Please note with the b2011 release we will no longer show this validation message in the absence request UI and request can be saved.
Note for Internal Staff Only: Please refer to this KBA internal memo.
leave request error, time record variant causing error during leave request, TIM-3310, TIM-18573 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-TIM , Time Off , Problem