SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2805429 - Dynamic Target Group Member determination is not working as expected


You have created a target group with dynamic member determination but the members are not being determined.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

Prerequisite: a Target Group 123 (123 stands for a target group) with a valid member determination, as well as a customer ABC (ABC stands for a customer's name) with the corresponding attributes set.

  1. Go to the Sales Campaign workcenter.
  2. Go to Target Group view.
  3. Search for the target group 123.
  4. Go to the Member Determination facet.
  5. See that the marketing attribute conditions are set for this target group for individual customers.
  6. Go to the Members tab.
  7. Search for ABC. 

Result: the individual customer ABC has not been added to the list of members.


The target group 123 is being used in a Campaign XYZ (XYZ stands for a campaign name) and this campaign is in status "Failed with errors".


Please find the campaign XYZ and use the Actions button to set it to Cancelled or Obsolete.


target group, campaign, error, member determination , KBA , LOD-CRM-MKT-TG , Target Groups , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions