SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2805713 - System is Giving Locking Error, While Uploading Marketing Attributes


You are trying to add Marketing Attributes to a Business Partner using Data Workbench, Which already has Marketing Attributes assgined to it. But, you are receiving the error 'Locking object not possible; object locked by 'XXXXXXX' ( Where 'XXXXXXX' is your username).

Reproducing the Issue

  • Go to Data Workbench work center.
  • Go to Import Tab and select Individual Object.
  • Choose Update and select the business object Attribute Assignment Item.
  • Select Next and upload the file.
  • In the next screen, Select Import.
  • Go to the Monitor view and check the Processed file, you will see the Error 'Locking object not possible; object locked by 'XXXXXXX'.


Data Workbench update operation always groups the records on HeaderObjectID.
It is recommended not to change any ParentObjectID or HeaderOBjectID fields in exported data.In this special case,we are trying to create data using update operation. Hence the field HeaderOBjectID is causing the locking issue.


Remove the column HeaderObjectID from the data file and retry the scenario. This will fix the Locking issue.


DataWorkbench, Marketing Attributes, Lock, Update, Locking object not possible , object locked , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-API , OData API (C4C Only) , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions