You have work center assignments, either via your business user or via your business role. However, one or more work centers are not visible in the UI.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- As an administrator assign the work center ABC to the business user 123. (ABC represents the name of a workcenter, 123 represents the user ID of a business user).
- Log in as user 123 and check visible work centers.
Workcenter ABC is not visible.
There may be a work center and work center View Organisation which hides this workcenter.
With an Admin user, go to the Administrator work center.
On the General Settings view, select Users > Organize Work Centers and Work Center Views.
- Check all entries here and make sure Visible (For Desktops and Tablets) and Visible (for Smartphones) are both ticked for work center ABC.
- If the invisible work center is the Administrator work center, you will have to create an incident.
See Also
SAP Help Portal Document > SAP Cloud for Customer Extension Guide: Organize Work Centers and Work Center Views
Workcenter, Work Center, workcenter assignment, work center assignment, assignment, visibility, not visible , KBA , AP-RC-UIF-FLX , Page Layout & Key User Configuration , Problem
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