If there is a prior annual completion of the same item (but with a different revision date), when the new revisioned item is completed, the completion date replaces the completion date of the previous completion as well as the previous learning history revision date removes the prior completion date and replaces it with the last/latest revision date
SuccessFactors Learning Management System (LMS)
Reproducing the Issue
Run the User Learning Plan Audit Report (CSV)
"Completion of later Item revision grants credit for previous revision assignment in Curricula" is currently enabled on your Global Variables (System Admin > Configuration > Global Variables). If it is enabled and record learning has been performed, it will update the last completed item with the latest completion date along with new item(revised) entries.
If this flag is enabled, it will be working like this. PH_STUD_QUAL_CPNT table will have multiple entries with latest completion date. User learning plan Audit report uses this table to show the data. It is working as per design.
LRN-59538; User Learning Plan Audit Report (CSV); completion date issue , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , Problem