When adding a global assignment to a user, the pay group field is not automatically populated with the 'Default Pay Group' maintained on the legal entity that is selected in the add global assignment process.
- SAP SuccessFactors HCM Cloud
- Employee Central
Reproducing the Issue
- Add global assignment to user (or concurrent employment).
- Select legal entity.
- Deafult pay Group is not automatically populated.
This functionality, automatically populating the pay group field with the 'Default Pay Group' defined on the legal entity, will only work in the New Hire Wizard.
The defaultPayGroup of Comp Info should be propagated from defaultPayGroup of the Legal Entity in the New Hire Wizard. This feature was added to the New Hire Wizard in 1210 product release. It has not been included in any other hire wizard, including 'Add: Global Assignment' and 'Add: Concurrent Employment'
This functionality is not provided by the system in its current build. Cusrrently there are currently no plans to include this functionality. You can request this functionality via submitting an enhancement request, please see 2090228 - How to Submit Enhancement Requests for SAP SuccessFactors Products
Deafault pay group, New Hire Wizard, Global assignment, Secondary employment, Contingent worker, automatically popluate, ECT-8132 , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-CWF , Contingent Workforce , LOD-SF-EC-HIR , Hire & Rehire Wizards , LOD-SF-EC-GA , Global Assignment , LOD-SF-EC-CON , Concurrent Employment , How To