When trying to update names and addresses of org units via Data Workbench, the following error appears:
"Error in format validation. Correct the following: Map either the parent internal ID or external key. Do not map both".
SAP Cloud for Customer
When uploading a CSV file via Data Workbench for object Organisational Unit Name and Address, the system is expecting data in the following columns of the template:
- External Key
- Organisation Unit External Key
- Organisational Unit ID
The following fields are required in the CSV file:
- For Root file: External Key and other mandatory fields needs to be present in the CSV file.
- For Child file: External Key, Parent External Key / Parent Internal ID and other mandatory fields need to be present in the CSV file.
- External Key: it's a unique key. It is used only for DWB tool purpose. Example: EKSAMPLE001.
- Parent External Key: The External Key which was used in the Root file. Example: EKSAMPLE001.
- Parent Internal ID: If the Root entity was not inserted using DWB, there is no Parent External Key. In this case use Internal ID.
All records in the CSV file must contain either Parent External Key or Parent Internal ID. Records with Parent External Key and records with Parent Internal ID in the same file is not a valid scenario.
See Also
Further information is available in the SAP Help Documentation via the search term 'Data Workbench'.
External Key; Organisation Unit External Key; Organisational Unit ID , KBA , LOD-CRM-INT-DWB , Data Workbench , How To