You have set access resctriction of view Customer Accounts in work center Receivables to company XYZ (XYZ stands for company ID) of business user ABC (ABC stands for user account ID). However, user ABC can see customer accounts information in view Customer Accounts in work center Receivables.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
Go to Application and User Management work center and view Business Users.
Select user ABC, and Edit--Access Rights.
Go to tab Access Restrictions, and find view of FIN_CUSTOMERACCOUNTS, there is read and write restriction set for only company XYZ.
However, user ABC can see customer accounts of other companys in view Customer Accounts in work center Receivables.
Since the user has unrestricted access to the Audit->Receivables(FIN_RECEIVABLESAUDIT) view, the unrestricted read access supersedes the restricted access provided in the view FIN_CUSTOMERACCOUNTS. Hence the user is able to see the customer accounts other than what he/she is allowed to see.
You have to add access restriction of user ABC of view Audit->Receivables.
- Go to Application and User Management work center and view Business Users.
- Select user ABC, and Edit--Access Rights.
- Go to tab Access Restrictions, and find view of Audit->Receivables, select Access to Restricted and set the access at company level to be the same as view FIN_CUSTOMERACCOUNTS.
FIN_CUSTOMERACCOUNTS, FIN_RECEIVABLESAUDIT, Access Restriction, 应收账户,客户详细信息,权限访问 , KBA , fin_customeraccounts , access restriction , SRD-CC-IAM , Identity & Access Management , Problem