SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2807240 - Error Message: Account Determination Missing for Item type While Generating Financial Statement Report


You are receiving below error message during generating Financial statement Report (Report ID: FINGLAU04_Q0001)

Account determination missing for item type


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the General Ledger Work Center.
  2. Go to the Reports view.
  3. Click on List sub view.
  4. Click on Financial Statements Report (Report ID:FINGLAU04_Q0001).
  5. Enter the selection criteria.

You can view the error message: Account determination missing for item type


The reason for the error is becuase the Opening/Closing Balance accounts under Account Determination have not maintained.

You have not completed the balance carryforward for the previous year and system automatically simulates balance carryforward for the previous year when you generate the Financial Statement Report and hence these G/L accounts are requirement under Account determination.


You need to maintain the Opening and Closing Balance accounts by follow the below steps:

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. Select the view Overview.
  3. Search and find the activity Charts of Accounts, Financial Reporting Structures, Account Determination.
  4. Select the link General Ledger under Account Determination.
  5. Select the Account Determination Profile YYY and navigate to Opening/Closing Balance tab. (YYY represents Account Determination Profile ID for the company that the report was completed for)
  6. Maintain the respective G/L Accounts Closing Balance and Opening Balance.
  7. Click on Save button.

The Financial Statements Report should run now with the error appearing.


Financial statements, Account determination missing, Item type , KBA , account determination , financial statement report , item type , SRD-FIN-ANA , Analytics Content , Problem


SAP Business ByDesign all versions