When creating a version of a page, it appears that Hybris recursively follows all attributes of the page in order to make clones of dependencies. This appears
to include fields such as page navigationNodes and restrictions, which relate to other pages. The result is that when versioning a page that is part of a nav
node hierarchy or page restriction's page set, all of the pages in that hierarchy get versioned at once. With a handful of nav nodes, and a few restrictions
containing a few dozen pages each the attempt to version one page takes (at least) several hours, or fails with a stack overflow in a server environment. A
stack trace is attached.
Pages that don't have nav nodes and don't have restrictions that contain multiple other pages get versioned quickly.
We would normally expect that versioning a page would include creating versions of its slots, components, etc., but would not include other pages that the
target page is loosely related to through things like nav nodes.
SAP Commerce 1811
KBA , CEC-SCC-COM-SEDIT , SmartEdit , Problem
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