It is not possible to schedule job with job template "Contacts: Enrich Contats with Marketing Area" in the Marketing Application Jobs App
SAP Marketing Cloud Edition
Reproducing the Issue
- Logon to Marketing Tenant
- Open Marketing Application Jobs App
- Create a new Job
- Select "Contacts: Enrich Contacts with Marketing Area"
- Error: Job template SAP_CUAN_IC_MOD_MKTA_TEMPL_ADD doesn't exist returns
Assign the Analytics Specialist business role to the user.
Please note that the SAP_BR_ANALYTICS_SPECIALIST is the business role template ID for the "Analytics Specialist business role".
Enrich Contats with Marketing Area, SAP_CUAN_IC_MOD_MKTA_TEMPL_ADD , KBA , CEC-MKT-DM-IC , Interaction Contact , CEC-MKT-BF , Basic Functions , Problem
SAP S/4HANA Cloud 1905