How to add candidates or Talent Pools to an Email Campaign in the instance.
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
In order to add Candidates or Talent Pools, please refer to the guide on the following links:
Note you can also add Talent Pools directly from the Email Campaign page via the "To" section Talent Pools link.
Upon clicking this link, the option +Add is present to select Talent Pool and add them to the campaign.
Note this option is not available under the Manually Added Recipients link in the same section. To manually add recipients to the campaign one must follow the process outlined in the guide.
If you would like to see the option to manually add candidates added to the link within the email campaign page, please submit an enhancement request as per KBA 2090228 - How to Submit Enhancement Requests for SAP SuccessFactors Products.
See Also
2643661 - Candidate Talent Pool - Recruiting Management
2673691 - About CRM Email Campaigns - Recruiting Management
add, candidate, talent pool, email campaign, crm, candidate relationship management , KBA , LOD-SF-RMK-CRM , Data Capture Form, Email Layout, Email Campaign , LOD-SF-RCM-CRM , Candidate Relationship Management , How To