SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2808211 - What data is included in DRTM Learning Data Purge?


You use the DRTM Learning Data purge type to purge personal data from the users' Learning profiles and users' Learning activities. What information is purged for the users?


SAP SuccessFactors Learning


When using DRTM Learning data purge to purge personal data from the users' Learning profiles and users' Learning activities, the chart below gives you an example of what is being purged.

Purge object Data purged with this object
User Personal Information

When you purge learners' personal audit data as part of your data privacy and protection process, you purge the personal information out of the historical record of their phone numbers, employment, custom columns, and so on.

When you purge personal data from audit (PH) tables, you purge the following when time stamps of the audit record are older than your threshold. We do not purge from PA tables because PA tables are transactional tables.

Learning Activity

When you purge learners' learning activity as part of your data privacy and protection process, you purge the personal information out of the historical record of what they learned, when they learned it, and any comments they had on courses.

When you purge learning activities, you purge information that could help someone understand what courses a user was involved with past the purge threshold. We want to erase the learning activity records so that someone cannot reconstruct users' learning activity:

  • Completed internal events are the core of the purge, and they include any learning history for completed courses when the event history date is past the purge threshold.
    • For internal events, we know the event history date in PA_CPNT_EVTHIST, which gives you the preview count in the purge report
    • From the event history date, we can purge completed learning items, but we purge other entities in the report based on other dates. For example, we want to purge pending learning events because someone could reconstruct learning activities from pending events, but pending events, by definition, do not have an event history date.
    • We handle incomplete courses in removed assignments.
  • Completed external events are like internal events, but have a different table for count because we store it separately in PA_XCPNT_EVTHST.
  • Removed item, curricula, and program assignments include activity that learners were assigned at some point, which created a record in the history tables (PH_). But learners are no longer assigned the activity and they did not complete it, so they do not exist in the PA_ tables. The counts, therefore, are in the PH_ tables.
    • We purge the assignments, even if they could be used to reconstruct learning activity
    • Recommendations that are older than the threshold date are also purged, even if they are not completed, because they could indicate learning activity.
    • We do not purge items that are currently assigned to an active curriculum because they are reassigned.
  • Item ratings by learners could reconstruct learning activity because learners can only rate courses that they have completed.
  • Class registrations for closed or canceled classes where the date is past the threshold in PA_SCHED show someone the courses that users were interested in (or classes that they were registered for).

See Also

Data Included in the DRTM Learning Data Purge

Tables Affected by Learning Activity Purge - IMPORTANT: The documentation available in this page is being enhanced by the Learning PMs. Support team, please check internal info


DRTM, Learning, Data, Purge, LMS, Activities, Learning, SF, data, tables, affected, included , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS-UDR , User Data Purge , LOD-SF-PLT-DRM , Data Retention Management , How To


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