SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2808367 - Get Appointment is Showing "No available time slots" on Ticket


You are trying to schedule an Appointment for a Service Item on a Ticket and the system is showing message "No available time slots" even though there are slots available.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Service work center.
  2. Select the Tickets view.
  3. Open Ticket ID XYZ (XYZ represents the Ticket ID).
  4. On the Items tab, click on Add and select Product ID 123 (123 represents the Product ID) and set the Quantity for 8 hours, for example.
  5. Select the Line Item just created and click on More, then Release for Scheduling.
  6. The Work Progress should be changed to In Scheduling.
  7. Now click on Appointment.
  8. Select the dates as per required and set Appointment Type to Morning.
  9. Click Get Appointment: No available time slots.


The slots maintained for Morning are not 8 hours long. Those can be changed/ maintained on the Business Configuration Activity Demand Processing.


The Appointment Slots need to be as long as or longer than the Hours Quantity of the Item that you are releasing for scheduling. If the select Appointment Type is not All Day, the Morning and/or Afternoon slots need to be 8 hours long, if the Item has Quantity equal to 8 hours.

To maintain this:

  1. Go to the Business Configuration work center.
  2. On the Overview facet, search for Demand Processing.
  3. Open the Activity and click on Maintain Slots for Appointment Offering.
  4. Make the changes as needed.
  5. Click on Save and Close.


Appointment ; Scheduling ; Release for Scheduling ; Get Appointment ; Hours, Maintain Slots , KBA , LOD-CRM-IND-IMC , Industrial Machinery & Components , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions