- Following error popup appears, when opening a QM Fiori App:
"App could not be opened because the SAP UI5 component of the application could not be loaded.
Failed to load UI5 component for navigation intent "<navigation intent>""
- Following error is displayed in the browser console log:
Failed to load UI5 component for navigation intent <navigation intent> - failed to load '<SAP UI5 Component>/Component.js' from <Path to ICF Node>/<token>/Component.js: 403 Forbidden
where the parameters marked bold can vary depending on which app was opened.
For example, if app is - 'Record Results for Inspection Points' (App ID F2689)
- <navigation intent> is #InspectionSubset-recordResults
- <SAP UI5 Component> is i2d.qm.inspsubset.resultsrecords1
- <Path to ICF Node> is /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/QM_SUBSET_RR_S1
- <token> is a long character string
- Some apps, which can be affected:
Name of the Fiori App App ID <navigation intent> <SAP UI5 Component> <Path to ICF Node> Record Results for Inspection Points F2689 #InspectionSubset-recordResults i2d.qm.inspsubset.resultsrecords1 /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/QM_SUBSET_RR_S1 Characteristic Detailed Analytics F3382 #InspectionCharacteristic-analyzeDetails i2d.qm.inspcharcs.analyze1 /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/QM_CHARCSALYTS1 Manage Quality Levels F2914 #QualityLevel-manage i2d.qm.qualitylevel.manages1 /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/QM_QUALITYLVLS1 Inspection Lot Detailed Analytics F3273 #InspectionLot-analyzeDetails i2d.qm.insplotdef.analyze1 /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/QM_INSPALYTS1 Inspection Lot (S/4HANA) F2180 #InspectionLot-display i2d.qm.insplotobjectpages1 /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/QM_INSPLOTS1 Manage Inspection Lots F2343 #InspectionLot-manage i2d.qm.insplot.manages1 /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/QM_INSPLOTMNGS1 IMPORTANT: app F2343 also calls app F2180 when navigating into an inspection lot. Therefore, worth to check ICF of app F2180 too (see above) Manage Defects F2649 #Defect-manage i2d.qm.defect.manages1 /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/qm_defects1 and so on
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP Quality Management (QM)
- SAP S/4HANA, on-premise
QM, QM-FIO, QM-FIO-IM, loading, negative cache, failed, öffnen, basicSearch, semanticDateRangeTypeHelper-dbg.js:122 Uncaught FioriElements: listTemplates.semanticDateRangeTypeHelper: Wrong Date Range configuration set in manifest, "filterSettings": {, "dateSettings": {, "useDateRangeType": true, QM_INSPUSGDSCS1, /sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/qm_inspusgdscs1, manifest.json, manifest, Not showing data, can't open, loading , KBA , ui_qm_tasks , QM-FIO , Fiori apps for Quality Management , QM , Quality Management , QM-FIO-IM , Quality Inspection Fiori application , Problem
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