SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2808834 - Price condition update does not work in sales documents


During sales document creation the price is determined based on the condition record maintained.
When the condition record is changed in the app 'Set Service Prices - Sales' in another session and on sales document item level for the condition new pricing is carried out, the new price is not getting updated automatically.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

Step 1: Go to App 'Set Service Prices - Sales' --> Select condition type and key combination --> check the condition record (e.g. price 10€)

Step 2: Open a new session and go to the App 'Create Sales Orders' --> create a sales order in this new session --> then go to the item conditions screen --> the above condition type has the value as seen in the app 'Set Service Prices - Sales' (e.g. 10 €)

Step 3: Go to App 'Set Service Prices - Sales' --> Select the same condition type and key combination --> change the condition record (e.g. price from 10€ to 12€)

Step 4: Go back to the sales document which is still in creation mode --> go to the item conditions screen and click on update button --> carry out new pricing --> condition value is not updated with the new value (it remained 10€ and not changed to the new value of 12€)


The condition record was changed without having saved the newly created sales document and the re-pricing was directly triggered within the 'Create Sales Order' app.

This way the data are kept in the buffer and are not re-read from the database.


Save the newly created sales document and carry out new pricing afterwards.

See Also

SAP Note 24832 - Pricing rules/TVCPF

SAP Fiory Apps Library - Set Service Prices - Sales

SAP Fiory Apps Library - Create Sales Orders

SAP Help - Price Management


Set Material Prices - Sales, Maintain Condition Records (Sales), Set Service Prices - Sales, Set Tax Rates - Sales, VK12, VA01, Price Condition, Master Data, Conditions and Condition Maintainance, PRICING_SPECIALIST, SALES_REP, KONV, KONP, KBETR, KSCHL, Auftrag, Auftragserstellung, neue Preisfindung, Konditionen neu ermitteln, Konditionsart, Positionskonditionsbild, pricing type, Presifindungsart, price element, Preiselement, repricing , KBA , SD-BF-PR , Pricing , SD-MD-CM , Conditions and Condition Maintainance , SD-BIL-GF , Basic Functions , SD-BF-PR-2CL , Pricing (Public Cloud) , Problem


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