SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2809778 - ChangeSet index 1 - could not insert: [com.successfactors.hris.bean.eo.EmpPersonalInfoEO] - EC


  • When trying to approve a workflow initiated by null the following error is seen:

ChangeSet index 1 - could not insert: [com.successfactors.hris.bean.eo.EmpPersonalInfoEO]

  • How to delete or remove stalled workflows for invalid users.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central

Reproducing the Issue

There are multiple stalled workflows without the name of the person who initiated the workflow:

 in valid workflows.png

changes by null.png


These workflows were triggered by users who are no longer active within the system.


  • The workflows need to be purged from the system.
  • Note: In order to use this guide, access to the Check Tool and Data Retention Management is required.
  1. Use the Check Tool to find the invalidate workflows and then export the report, this report shows how many invalid workflows exist within the system and who they belong to.
    • Check Tool
    • For drop-down below Application: Choose Workflow
    • Workflow ToDo (ToDoWithInactiveUser)
  1. Use the Data Retention Management tool to create a new purge request to purge invalid workflows.

Check Tool.PNG

  1. Admin Center > Data Retention Management (Choose DRTM Workflows Purge).



 SF, EC, Success Factors, pending tasks , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-WFL , Workflows - Configuration, Tools, Objects & Rules , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Employee Central all versions