Work process suddenly is terminated on GUI user interface.
At dispatcher trace (dev_disp) the following entries are faced:
*** ERROR => DpHdlDeadWp: W<WP NUMBER> (pid <PID>) died (severity=0, status=11) [dpxxwp.c 1746]
DpTraceWpStatus: child (pid=<PID>) killed with signal 11
At the work process trace (dev_w<WP NUMBER>) at that start with PID = <PID>, the following entry is found:
*** ERROR => PfReadSharedParam: number of files held must be bigger than <Integer number>: set it to <Integer Number+1>. [pfxxstat.c 17867]
SAP NetWeaver release independent;
SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP Supplier Relationship Management 7.0
stat/max_files, bc-cst, bc-cst-sts , KBA , BC-CST-ST , Statistics and Traces , BC-CST-DP , Dispatcher, Task Handler , Problem
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