During a Database Migration Option (DMO) using Software Update Manager (SUM), the following issue can be seen in the phase MAIN_SHDRUN/START_SHDI_FIRST:
- In SAPupConsole.log:
Severe error(s) occurred in phase MAIN_SHDRUN/START_SHDI_FIRST!
Last error code set:
Shadow instance
couldn't be started, check 'STARTSFI.LOG' and 'DEVTRACE.LOG': RFC login to system <SID> ashost <hostname> nr <instance #> gwhost <hostname> gwservice <service> failed with co
de 1 key RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE: connection closed without message (CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED)
To analyze errors during the start of the shadow instance, check the
'STARTSFI.LOG' and 'DEVTRACE.LOG' files in directory
'.\usr\sap\SUM\abap\log'. - In STARTSFI.LOG:
1 ETQ359 RFC Login to: System="<SID>", AsHost="<hostname>" Nr="<instance #>", Client="<client #>", GwHost="<hostname>", GwService="<service>"
2EETQ231 RFC Login failed
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: SAPControl action START failed for instance ## ('Error: System is still down!').
1 ETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: CheckSystemStatus.
1 ETQ399 SAPCONTROL MANAGER: getProcessList with host: <hostname> and instance: ##
3 ETQ120 20190610155101: PID 4220 execute '~\exe\sapcontrol.exe -format script -prot PIPE -host <hostname> -nr <instance #> -function GetProcessList', output written to '.\usr\sap\SUM\abap\log\SAPup.ECO'.
3WETQ123 20190610155101: PID 4220 exited with status 3 (time 0.00 real)
1EETQ399 SYSTEM MANAGER: START of mandatory instance ## on server <server> has failed
2EETQ399 Starting shadow instance failed
1EETQ399 Last error code set is: Shadow instance
1EETQ399Xcouldn't be started, check 'STARTSFI.LOG' and 'DEVTRACE.LOG': RFC login to system PRD ashost <hostname> nr ## gwhost <hostname> gwservice <service> failed with code 1 key RFC_COMMUNICATION_FAILURE: conn
1EETQ399Xection closed without message (CM_NO_DATA_RECEIVED)
1EETQ204 Upgrade phase "START_SHDI_FIRST" aborted with severe errors ("<Date><Time>") - In R3LDCALLRUN.### log:
EXECUTING .\usr\sap\SUM\abap\exe\R3load.EXE -i D:\usr\sap\SUM\abap\shdviews\SHDVIEWS_#####_IMP.CMD -dbcodepage 4103 -l .\usr\sap\SUM\abap\shdviews\SHDVIEWS_#####_IMP.LOG -loadprocedure fast -logformat upgrade -rtstat
A1EEGEN 000 (GEN) Unknown option "-rtstat"
Usage: D:\usr\sap\SUM\abap\exe\R3load.EXE [options]
Software Update Manager (SUM)
Wrong kernel, Different kernel, MAIN_SHDINST/SUBMOD_SHDALIASCRE/SUBMOD_SHDVIEWCRE/EU_CLONE_CRE_SHDVIEWS, exe, exe_2nd , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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