- Several processes requiring to write to the same table issue a LOCK TABLE ... IN WRITE MODE command one after another.
- Their lock requests are not honored by IQ 16.0 in the order they get received.
- A process requesting a lock later may get it granted earlier than another one requesting a lock earlier. For example:
Process P1 is actively writing to table tab1
10:17:52am Process P2 requests a lock: LOCK TABLE tab1 IN WRITE MODE WAIT '01:00:00'
11:07:15am Process P3 requests a lock: LOCK TABLE tab1 IN WRITE MODE WAIT '01:00:00'
11:36:25am Process P3 gets a lock and proceeds with its work
11:36:25am Process P2 fails to acquire a lock.
We would expect Process P2 to get its lock first and Process P3 waiting in line as it came later, but that's not the case.
SAP IQ 16.x
SAP IQ 16.0 ; SAP IQ 16.1
commit, expire, queue , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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