SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2810442 - Substitutions and Document Splitting


Error Balancing field "&1" in line item &2 not filled or although document created no proportional split based on base line items.

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  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

Substitution for example Profit Center or Segment set in App Custom Field and Logic (App ID F1481) in account in which you expect an account assignment by document splitting


Account assignment overwriting not allowed in document splitting

Generally speaking, document splitting will not overwrite an account assignment which has already been provided entering the document (entry view). For exceptions please see Case 1. This fact should always be considered as well as the fact that the account assignments defined as splitting characteristics are treated as one assignment string in the line item. For that reason, in most of the cases we should not consider the account assignments as simple individual entities.

It is an important fact that the different functionalities of document splitting will be processed for this complete assignment string. When either the rule-based split functionality, inheritance or setting a standard account assignment (constant) in non-assigned lines is being processed in order to derive the account assignment values, the complete assignment string (defined in customizing Define Document Splitting Characteristics for General Ledger Accounting SSCUI 102322 and Define Document Splitting Characteristics for Controlling 103055) will be considered to provide the assignment values to further lines. In case the splitting characteristics have been defined with their corresponding partner fields and the 'zero balance' option active, these partner assignments will also be considered during the splitting to form the assignment string.

This logic is followed in order not to create new combinations of account assignments which were not used in the original document.


Field Zero Baance Partner Field Mandatory Field
PRCTR Profit Center X PPRCTR X

Supplier Invoice
Business Transaction: 0300

If we try to post this invoice with the following account assignments:

Item Account Profit Center Segment
001 Supplier/Vendor
002 Expense  PC01 SEGMENT01
003 Tax SEGMENT02

In this case example segment 'SEGMENT02' was derived into the Tax item by a substitution.

Although the splitting rule for Business transaction 0300 Vendor has been defined in standard to split the tax Item (Item category 05100) based on the Expense Item (Item category 2000) and the Supplier line (item category 03000) based on the expense item (item category 20000) and tax Item (Item category 05100) , only the combination of PRCTR + SEGMENT ('PC01' and 'SEGMENT01') from the second line could be populated into the third Line Item. Since the third line already contains the segment value 'SEGMENT02', document splitting will not overwrite the account assignment from the entry view. 

The profit center value 'PC01' from line 002 is not populated into the line 003. Therefore the PRCTR field is left as blank after splitting, even though the PRCTR was originally blank in the entry.  The Supplier line item relies on the account assignments from both the expense and tax line items. As the Tax line Item cannot successfully derive the account assignment string from the expense line item this results in the error Balancing Field "Profit Center" in line item 001 not filled

Case 1

For clearing lines, the account assignments are derived by referring to the original line items to be cleared. During the automatic splitting, only the cleared items of the original documents are considered in order derive the relevant account assignments for the clearing lines and to split the line accordingly if necessary. If a clearing line contains a different account assignment in the entry view (which normally should not happen in the standard) it will be overwritten by the account assignments from the cleared items. This logic is followed in order to make sure that the whole clearing process does balance to zero also on the account assignment level. The exception is the so called follow-up costs as realized exchange rate differences, cash discount lines and penalties which are split already in the entry view (not only in the entry view). The account assignments for the follow-up costs are also derived from the cleared items of the original documents analog to the clearing lines, but already in the entry view.

The reason for the different logic in this case is to ensure the integration with the CO. The g/l accounts for follow-up cost are normally relevant for Controlling and are defined as cost elements. Since CO is only integrated with the entry view (and not with g/l view) of the FI document, it is important that the relevant account assignments are derived already in the entry view and are transferred to Controlling.


Never use substitution to set an account assignment value in one of the splitting characteristics in case you are expecting any account assignment to be populated from document splitting in that line item.

You are responsible for your own customizing. You hold full responsibility for any error or inconsistency caused by your own customizing.


This note is cloud relevant.

See Also

Document Split

Substitution/Validation for Journal Entries


FAGL_SPLIT_FIELD, FIN_ACDOC_ITEM_SUBSTITUTION , FIN_CODING_BLOCK_SUBSTITUTION, FIN_ACDOC_SUBSTITUTION, Balancing field, F1481, GLT2201 , KBA , FI-GL-FL , Flexible Structures , FI-GL-FL-2CL , Flexible Structures (Public Cloud) , FI-SL-VSR , Validation, Substitution and Rules , FI-SL-VSR-2CL , Validation, Substitution and Rules (Public Cloud) , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions