This article will explain the behaviors and approaches for when an Attachment Field is removed from a Application/Candidate template, like in the following scenario:
- Customer had set a "multiattachment" field-type with a special character in the field-id and the same should be removed from the template as mentioned in the article: "2452623 - Application error on Candidate Application". Otherwise, an error will occur in the system.
SAP SuccessFactores Recruiting Management - All Versions
Below are the most common questions brought by the customers when they are removing attachment fields from the Application and/or Candidate Profile templates:
- What will happen to the files/documents already attached to existing attachments fields from the template?
First, it's important to explain that when a field is configured in a template, the system will create the field in the entity table (Application, Candidate Profile, etc). So, every file imported in the system, will be addressed in the field table. Then, if this field is removed from the template, it doesn't mean the information/data on it will be deleted, it just will not be accessible. So, as the same way it's removed from the template, it can added again to be reachable.
For example, if the system has a "multiattachement" field in the template and the user add a file into, the file will be stored in the entity table on the DataBase. If remove the field and respective permissions, the user will not be able to see or edit the file, but the same will be existing in the DataBase.
- Is there a way to extract all files before removing the field?
Before removing the attachment field, the data available can be extracted via Integration Center, performing a Data Extraction Request. The steps are the same as extracting Resume or the Cover Letter, but instead of selecting the Resume/Cover Letter field in the Associate Content and Associate Content Type, you must select the attachment field you want to obtain the files. Please, refer to the steps of the following: 2582360 - Data Extraction Request - Candidate’s Resume and Cover Letters
See Also
2452623 - Application error on Candidate Application - Recruiting Management
2363852 - What kind of attachment fields can be used in Candidate Profile and / or Application? - Recruiting Management
2582360 - Data Extraction Request - Candidate’s Resume and Cover Letters
Removing Attachment Field; Replace Attachment Field; Loosing Attachment; , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-APP , Applicants and Job Applications , LOD-SF-RCM-CAN , General Candidate Issues (not Offers, not Profiles) , How To