SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2810822 - Inbound Delivery is not created automatically in two steps stock transfer process with stock transfer order


Inbound Delivery is not created automatically after goods issue outbound delivery in two steps stock transfer process.


  • Sales And Distribution (SD)
  • Logistics Execution (LE)
  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create Stock Transport Order with confirmation key – Inbound delivery
  2. Replenishment Delivery is created for the Stock Transport Order
  3. Post goods Issue for Replenishment Delivery
  4. The inbound delivery is not created automatically

Reproducing the error 

  • Error is clearly visible via app "Print outbound delivery (manually)" using following filter criteria:
    1. Output Type: SPED
    2. Processing mode: 3
  • Press the execute button * Please Note if the issue is already resolved before running this APP, the inbound delivery will be created with this steps.*

output delivery

  • In the result list, mark the entry and press the button log:
  • Find the errors like below:

Error 1:

Note: Log not from current processing run VN 112
Processing log for program /SPE/STO_ID_PROCESSING routine STO_ID_CREATION VN 56
No goods receiving point for the combination of plant <plant number> and stor.loc. <storage location> VL 377
No inbound delivery created for the replenishment delivery <delivery number.> /SPE/STO_HANDLING 2


Error 2:

Note: Log not from current processing run
Processing log for program /SPE/STO_ID_PROCESSING routine STO_ID_CREATION
No item category exists (Table T184L ECR CHSP )  VL320
Enter a material or an item category  VL383
No inbound delivery created for the replenishment delivery <delivery number.> /SPE/STO_HANDLING 2


Error 3:

Processing log for program /SPE/STO_ID_PROCESSING routine STO_ID_CREATION    VN    56
Error during copy of partner: Partner role VN    VL    864
Error during copy of partner: Partner role VN    VL    864
Error during copy of partner: Partner role VN    VL    864
No inbound delivery created for the replenishment delivery &    /SPE/STO_HANDLING    2


Necessary customizing setting or master data setting is missing.


For Error 1, see the solution below:

Maintain necessary entry for corresponding receiving point in this case (via SSCUI Assign Goods Receiving Points for Inbound Deliveries):

Add new entries there for plant <plant number>

and stor.loc. <storage location>

in the SSCUI ID 102337 'Assign Goods Receiving Points for Inbound Deliveries'

and retest the scenario again.

For Error 2, see the solution below:

Please use the Fiori app "Manage Product Master Data" to maintain the field GenItemCatGroup (General item category group)  as NORM for the affected material  in Tab basic data 1.

After it's maintained, execute the Fiori app "Print outbound delivery (manually)"  again.

For Error 3, see the solution below:

The error VL684 occurs because no vendor is assigned to the supplying plant (field T001W-LIFNR).

To Assign a Supplier to a Plant you use the app "Maintain Business Partner".

Path: APP Maintain Business Partner > Role Supplier > General DATA > TAB Vendor General Data
The field Plant is under the additional general data section.

See Also


  • 2298593 - Inbound delivery item type determination via SPED
  • 1472433 - Inbound delivery created using SPED has wrong date
  • 2438735 - SPED output - Create new Inbound Delivery


  • 1316614 - SPED: Creating the inbound delivery fails with error VL377


SPED, STO, Stock Transport Order, Inbound Delivery cannot be created automatically, VN112, VN 112, VN56, VN 56, VL377, VL 337, Anlieferung, Umlagerungsbestellung, VL320, VL 320, 2TS, return, NBF2 , KBA , LE-SHP-DL-2CL , Delivery Processing (Public Cloud) , MM-PUR-PO , Purchase Orders , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions