SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2810862 - Add-in doen't save the previous user credentials after switching to another user


For Add-ins such as Lotus notes, Outlook or Excel, the user name and password of the previous user is not saved, even if when you check the option “Remember my user name and password”.


  • SAP Cloud For Customer
  • SAP Business Bydesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Click on 'Log on' button from the add-in (Outlook add-in or Excel add-in or Lotus notes)
  2. Enter system url, name (for example: USER A) and password.
  3. Check the option "Remember my user name and password" and click logon.
    The Add-in will remember the credentials for this user and the user will be logged on when clicked on log on every time.
  4. Now use a different user name (for example: USER B) and password. Also check the option "Remember my user name and password".
    The Add-in saves the credentials and logon works fine without any issue.
  5. Now again change the user from USER B to USER A.

Here, the add-in will not remember the previous user's credentials. You will have to enter the credentials again to logon.


The Add-in is built in a way that only one user's credentials are saved.


Multiple users are not supported in add-in and this is the expected behaviour.


remember user name and password, logon, add-in, Lotus notes , KBA , LOD-CRM-GW-LN , Lotus Notes , How To


SAP Business ByDesign 1905 ; SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins 1905