SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2811981 - Error message "JDMNG_TALENT_POOL_NOT_EXISTING_ERROR" when editing Job Role in Manage Job Profile Content


An application error is thrown, when trying to edit a Job Role in Job Profile Content "???JDMNG_TALENT_POOL_NOT_EXISTING_ERROR???":


Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


  • SAP SuccessFactors Job Profile Builder
  • SAP SuccessFactors Succession Management (MDF Talent Pools)

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Admin Center > Manage Job Profile Content;
  2. Select Set Up Families and Roles, in the dropdown menu;
  3. Select the target Family;
  4. Select the target Role;
  5. Apply changes to the selected role;
  6. Click Save Role;
  7. Error message is displayed: JDMNG_TALENT_POOL_NOT_EXISTING_ERROR.


The error message indicates that either:

  1. the logged-in user does not have the necessary permission access over the Talent Pool object, or;
  2. an inactive/invalid Talent Pool is associated to the selected Role. Even though, the system may show 0 Mapped Talent Pools in the Role configuration page, the association was kept; and after inactivating the pool, the system is unable to find the inactive/deleted pool and throws the error message.


Verify if the logged-in user has at least "View Current" permission over the Talent Pool object, under Miscellaneous Permissions, in RBP. In case the user do not have this permission granted, or has an object restriction in the permission role, all job roles/profiles associated to a Talent Pool or to the restricted pool, will show the error message for the user, not saving any changes applied to the job role/profile.

Engineering Team is working to enhance the error message displayed for users without Talent Pools access permission, editing Job Roles/Profile associated to a Talent Pool (ECT-120853). However, we do not have yet an estimated time to when this error message will be enhanced to be more user-friendly, and provide in details the issue for the logged-in user.

For users with necessary permissions over the Talent Pool object, receiving this error, it is likely that there is an inactive/invalid pool associated to the Job Role/Profile. And to avoid this error, it is necessary to remove the pool association to the Job Role. First, it would be necessary to identify the inactive pool and activate it, so it would show in the Job Role configuration page again. This way, you will be able to remove the association manually. After the association is removed, you can inactivate the Talent Pool again.

How to Identify Inactive Talent Pools Mapped to Job Roles?

This information can retrieved by running an Ad Hoc Report:

  1. Go to Reporting (Analytics);
  2. Create a new report, with domain "Succession (Talent Pool v2 based nominations)";
  3. In General tab, add a Report Name (required to save) and Description (optional);
  4. In Columns tab, select the fields: Internal ID, 
  5. In Filters tab, refine criteria - to include only the inactive pool;
  6. Select the field "Status", located under the section "Talent Pool Information";
  7. Define the filter "By My Selection", the values "A" (active) and "I" (inactive) are the default statuses for MDF objects, select the option "I";
  8. Click Done;
  9. Save the report, or run a preview to visualize the data:


Activating a Talent Pool

With the data retrieved in the Ad Hoc Report, we can manually update the inactive pools or use the import method to mass activate them.

  • Manually updating a pool

This method is indicated when there are a few inactive pools associated to Job Role, where the effort to complete this action is low.

  1. Go to Admin Center > Manage Data;
  2. In the first box, search and select the object Talent Pool;
  3. Before selecting the pool, click Advanced, right next to the second search box;
  4. Select Yes in Including Inactive;
  5. In the second box, search and select the inactive pool (data from report);
  6. Status of the pool will show as "InActive";
  7. In the History panel, select the option Take Action > Make Correction, for the inactive record;
    NOTE: the pool may have more than one record, where the status can vary from Active and InActive. The system uses the most recent record, so it is necessary to edit only the current record for the pool or create a new record.
  8. Change the status to Active;
  9. Save Changes.
  • Using the import method

This method is indicated when there is a large number of inactive pools associated to Job Role, and it would be necessary to activate them all at once.

  1. Go to Admin Center > Import and Export Data;
  2. Download a template (Download Template) or Export all Talent Pool data from your instance (Export Data);
    1. Download a Template > Select Generic Object Talent Pool > Download > File is generated > Open Talent Pool file;
    2. Export Data > Select Generic Object Talent Pool > Include Inactive Record: Yes > Go to Monitor Jobs in Admin Center > Download > Open Talent Pool file;
      NOTE: It is recommended to open and edit the file in a text editor (e.g. notepad), to avoid missing data format.
  3. Leave the file header with all the information exported;
  4. Fill up all the necessary columns (using template) or remove all unnecessary data from active pools (using exported data), leaving only the pools with status inactive;
  5. Save the file, and import it in Admin Center > Import and Export Data > Import Data;
  6. Select the Talent Pools object, and the file edited;
  7. Validate file and Import it.

Removing the Pool Association

Now that the pools are active again in the system, it is necessary to remove the association to Job Role.

  1. Go to Admin Center > Manage Job Profile Content;
  2. Select Set Up Families and Roles;
  3. In the Roles tab, search for the target Role;
  4. In Mapped Talent Pools, all pools associated to the Job Role, will be listed;
  5. Remove the association with the inactive pool;
  6. Click Save Role.

After the association is removed for the Job Role, the pool can became inactive again. To inactivate the pool, follow the instructions in the section Activating a Talent Pool of this KBA.


JDMNG_TALENT_POOL_NOT_EXISTING_ERROR, JPB v2, v2.0, v 2.0, TP, pool, pools, error, issue, warning, message, application, app, problem, not able to edit, modify, change, job role, job profile, ECT-120853, ???JDMNG_TALENT_POOL_NOT_EXISTING_ERROR??? , KBA , LOD-SF-SCM-TP , Talent Pools , LOD-SF-TIH-JPB , Job Profile Builder , Problem


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