You create and maintain several freight agreements for your purchasing organization and one service provider (e.g. carrier).
You notice that if some of these freight agreements (e.g FA1, FA2) are active, when doing charge calculation for an order belongs to above carrier, some of the freight agreements (e.g. FA3, FA4) will not be shown/selectable in the Multiple Agreements pop-up window. However, if you deactivate FA1 and FA2, FA3 and FA4 will be shown/selectable again.
- SAP Transportation Management 9.x
- Embedded TM in S/4HANA 1709
- Embedded TM in S/4HANA 1809
Agreement priority, freight agreement, multiple agreements. , KBA , TM-CF-CC , Charge Calculation , TM-FRA , Freight Agreement Management , Problem
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