SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2812731 - Posted Amount Differs From Cross-Check Balances Amount in Inventory Migration


When you are checking inventory migration Cross-Check Balances, you see that the Inventory G/L account balance is ZZZ( represents the cross-check balance amount, ZZZ represents the currency). After successful import, you check the balance in the general ledger and find that the inventory G/L account balance is ZZZ( represents the posted amount, ZZZ represents the currency).

For example, you're migrating inventory of material ABC(ABC represents the material ID). Material ABC is Moving Average. Material unit cost is 141856.19 CNY/ 10000 EA.

In the migration file, you entered two lines for the material ABC. One line is 45 EA and one line is 165 EA.

The Cross-Check Balances is 2,978.98 CNY, however, the posted amount is 2,978.97 CNY.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Business Configuration work center.
  2. Go to Overview view.
  3. Search and open activity Migration of Accounting Transaction Data.
  4. Click on Migrate accounting transaction data using the migration tool.
  5. Select inventory migration relevant title and click on Cross-Check Balances Preview.
  6. You see the balance of Inventroy G/L account is 2,978.98 CNY.
  7. Go to General Ledger work center.
  8. Go to General Ledger Accounts view.
  9. Input required parameters to search out the Inventroy G/L account balance, you see the Account Balance is 2,978.97 CNY.


When the migrated material uses the Moving Average perpetual cost method and the material in the migration file has multiple rows of data, amounts will be different due to rounding.

If you check the inventory cost history for material ABC you will see that the migration to inventory happens in two steps. First 45 EA is capitalized at a cost rate of 14.185619 (141856.19 CNY/ 10000 EA) which leads to a capitalization of 638.35 CNY after rounding. Now as the costing method is moving average, the new cost rate becomes 638.35 / 45 = 14.185556. Hence the next 165 ea is capitalized at this new cost rate leading to a capitalization of 165 * 14.185556 = 2340.62 after rounding. Therefore, the resulting posted amount is 638.35+2340.62=2978.97 CNY.

In the migration simulation, the system only calculated the total amount according to the inventory cost 14.185619 before posting 45 EA. Therefore, Cross-Check Balances amount is (45+165)*14.185619=2978.98 CNY.

This is leading to the rounding difference.


System behaves as designed. You can try to combine the data of the same material on one line to avoid rounding difference.


Inventory migration , KBA , SRD-FIN-INV , Inventory , How To


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