- When testing the connection of a content repository in OAC0 you face error message "Bad Request: No connection to Docbase ....."
- This content repository does not reside on a SAP content server but an EMC Documentum Archive server.
- The error message can differ after "No connection to Docbase .....", please see the Keywords section for some examples.
- If you check the application log in SLG1 for the same Time/Date as the error is thrown (or User that generated the error) then you will see more details about the error message.
- SAP NetWeaver
- Release Independent
DM_SESSION_E_AUTH_FAIL, Timed out after, Authentication failed for user, DM_DOCBROKER_E_NO_SERVERS_FOR_DOCBASE, The DocBroker running on hos
t, does not know of a server for the specified docbase, No repository configuration for, DFC_SESSION_DOCBASE_UNREACHABLE, is unreachable, no connection to docbase, error during session construction, request received while docbase configuration , KBA , BC-SRV-KPR-CS , SAP Content Server , Problem
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