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2814060 - XPRA_EXECUTION: Errors occurred during post-handling AFTER_IMP_NROB for NROB L


During an upgrade on Support Package Manager (SPAM) or SAP Add-on Installation Tool (SAINT), the following errors can be seen in XPRA_EXECUTION:

  • In the Action log of the queue:
    Import phase 'XPRA_EXECUTION' (<Date>, <Time>)
    Packages in the queue don't exist in the tp buffer (e.g. SAPK-11301INDMIS)
    Interrupt the import due to an error situation (<Date>, <Time>)
    Display detailed informations concerning the error in phase 'XPRA_EXECUTION'
    Abort the import due to an error situation (<Date>, <Time>)
  • In the Import logs of the queue:
Post-import method AFTER_IMP_NROB started for NROB L, date and time: <Date><Time>
2EENR341IPlease specify a long text"IUUC_TABID"
2EENR893INumber range object "IUUC_TABID" " "
2EENR341IPlease specify a long text"IUUC_TABID"
Errors occurred during post-handling AFTER_IMP_NROB for NROB L
AFTER_IMP_NROB belongs to package SZN
The errors affect the following components:
BC-SRV-NUM (Number Range Management)
Post-import method AFTER_IMP_NROB completed for NROB L, date and time: <Date><Time>





Upgrade, XPRA ERRORS, MAIN_NEWBAS/XPRAS_AIMMRG, AFTER_IMP_NROB , KBA , BC-UPG-OCS-SPA , Support package tools for ABAP , BC-UPG-ADDON , Upgrade Add-On Components , BC-SRV-NUM , Number Range Management , Problem

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