Your requirement is to create an Account with its Invoice Summary Role using the webservice ManageCustomerIn. In the Request XML Payload, you provided the value for the InvoiceSummaryRole. Upon executing the Request Payload, you observe that the Account is created in system where, Invoice Summary Role field has the value that was provided in the XML parameters and the content of the value is not displayed.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
To find the webservice:
- Go to Application and User Management workcenter
- Go to Input and Output Management view
- Go to Service Explorer subview
- Search for the webservice ManageCustomerIn
- Select the button Download WSDL to download the WSDL file for the webservice
Using a third party tool like SOAPUI, run the Request Payload:
- Login to SOAPUI tool
- Select File -> New SOAP Project
- In the Initial WSDL field, browse for the downloaded WSDL file for ManageCustomerIn
- Expand the node: MaintainBundle_V1
- Select Request 1
- Paste the Request payload
- At the bottom of the screen, select Auth (Basic)
- Provide the relevant credentials and the domain
- Run the Request Payload
To check the Account which is created in the system:
- Go to Receivables workcenter
- Go to Customers view
- Show All Customers
- Find the customer ZZZZZ
- Select Edit -> Financial Data
- Go to Invoice Summary Data tab
- Invoice Summary Role: has a value X as passed in the Request payload
- The values set in the XML parameters are displayed. But the content is not resolved.
Request XML Payload:
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:glob="" xmlns:glob1="">
<Customer actionCode="01" addressInformationListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" contactPersonListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true" >
<AddressInformation actionCode="01">
<Address actionCode="01" telephoneListCompleteTransmissionIndicator="true">
<AddressUsage actionCode="01">
Response Payload:
<soap-env:Envelope xmlns:soap-env="">
<n0:CustomerBundleMaintainConfirmation_sync_V1 xmlns:n0="" xmlns:prx="">
*where XXXXXXXXXX represents the Name of the Account represents the email address of the Account
XYZ represents the Country Code
1234567890 represents the Postal Code
YYYYY represents the Street
0123456789 represents the House Number
X represents the Invoice Summary Role
PQR represents the Closing Date Pattern
ZZZZZ represents the Account ID
12345678-90AB-CDEF-0123-456789ABCDEF represents the UUID of the Account created
Incorrect codelist values provided for InvoiceSummaryRole in the Request payload.
Provide the below code-list values for InvoiceSummaryRole in the Request XML Payload and try to upload.
C - Invoice Summary Customer
M - Invoice Summary Recipient
N - Not(Invoice Summary) Relevant
P - Invoice Summary Payer
Migration template for Invoice Summary can also be used to update the Invoice Summary Role for the created/migrated customer Accounts.
InvoiceSummaryRole, Invoice Summary Role, ManageCustomerIn , KBA , managecustomerin , invoicesummaryrole , invoice summary role , SRD-CRM-ACC , Account Management , Problem