How to configure Birthday Alerts using MDF and Integration Center
SAP SuccessFactors - HXM Suite
Please find this information documented in a blog: Birthday and Anniversary alerts to the employees in SuccessFactors
NOTE: This is a custom solution and therefore it is outside the scope of SAP Cloud Product Support. If customer raises a case, please direct them to the above blog and if they run into any difficulty, they need to reach out to their partner /Professional Services team who will be able to assist them further.
For the standard process for Anniversary and Birthday cards, please see KBAs bleow:
birthday alert, alerts and notifications, alerts, birthday, mdf alerts, ec alerts, birthday anniversary alerts, custom MDF object,Metadata Framework (MDF) rule, Post Save, KM-11755 , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-MDF-ALR , MDF Alerts , How To