SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2814965 - How to Change the Address of Account to Main Address


You don’t know how to change the address of an account to the main address.


SAP Business byDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Account Management work center
  2. Click on Accounts
  3. Search for an account
  4. Click on Edit > Communication
  5. Select the appropriate address
  6. Click on Address Details
  7. The box to make the address to a main address is not available.


The box for the main address is only available for the address maintained in the tab General.


  1. Go to Account Management work center
  2. Click on Accounts
  3. Search for an account
  4. Click on Edit > General
  5. Enter main address
  6. Click on Edit > Communication
  7. Select the appropriate address
  8. Click on Address Details
  9. The box to make the address to a main address is available.


Hauptadresse beim Firmenkunden ändern, im Reiter Kommunikation/ Adressen nicht möglich , KBA , SRD-MD-BP , Business Partner , How To


SAP Business ByDesign 1905