You are searching for a Purchase order or shopping cart and its not found in the system.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Purchase request and orders work center
Go to Purchase order
Show all purchase orders
Search for respective purchase order
No results found.
- Go to Home work center
- Go to Self service view
- Click on Track my shopping carts
- Choose Shopping cart open, shopping carts-open for confirmation and shopping carts-completed, each one at a time and then
- Search for respective shopping cart
No results found.
Purchase order was deleted when it was in status In preparation or In revision.
This details are applicable for shopping cart as well.
When the Purchase Order document which was in the status In Preperation is deleted, it cannot be tracked in the system in any place or in any ways. The same applies to Shopping cart requests as well.
Purchase order not found, deleted purchase order,shopping cart not found, deleted shopping cart,could not find shopping cart,could not find Purchase order, in preperation document deleted , KBA , purchase order disappeared , purchase order not found , deleted purchase order , SRD-SRM-PRO , Purchase Requests and Orders , AP-POP-PO , Purchase Order , AP-REQ-IR , Internal Request , Problem