SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2815425 - View the Groups that a SAP Jam user is a member of


I want to see all the SAP Jam Groups a user is a member of

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SAP Jam Collaboration


Any SAP Jam user can view the SAP Jam Groups another user is a member of.

1. Search for a user in the global search bar

SAP Jam Global Search.jpg

2. Click on their name and view their profile.

3. Click the "Groups" option to display the list of SAP Jam Groups.

SAP Jam Profile PAge.jpg


  • You will only see the Public groups user is following, and that group should be still in use. 
  • Even if Content Administration mode is enabled, only public group user B is following and in use will be displayed.
  • If you are the SAP Jam Company Admin and if you wish to see all the groups and who are the members of that group, follow the steps below:

1. SAP Jam Admin
2. Navigate to Product Setup> Groups Management
3. Click All Groups
4. Enable Content Administration
5. You will see all the groups both Public and Private groups
6. To see all the members of the group, click on the link "members" on top.

groups management.jpg


SAP Jam, Jam, Groups, Membership, Group membership , KBA , LOD-SF-JAM , SAP Jam , LOD-SF-JAM-REP , Reports , Problem


SAP Jam Collaboration all versions