- You need to generate QR code (QR bar code) in your SAPscript / SmartForms.
- You need information what is the earliest Basis and Kernel release where you can implement the QR code.
- SAP Web AS
- SAP NetWeaver
SAP ERP all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP R/3 all versions
Bar code, bar code, Strichkode, SE71, SE73, SMARTFORMS, QR Code, QR-Code, QR bar code, QR-Bar code, QR bar code, QR-Barcode, QR Kode, QR-Kode, QR Strichkode, QR-Strichkode, old bar code technology, old bar code technology, new bar code technology, new bar code technology, alte bar code Technologie, alte bar code Technologie, neue bar code Technologie, neue bar code Technologie , KBA , BC-CCM-PRN , Print and Output Management , BC-SRV-SCR , SAPscript , BC-SRV-SSF , Smart Forms , How To
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