SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2816019 - Sorting on Country Field is not Working Correctly in Opportunities


You are trying to sort base on the field country, but you do not see the expected result.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to Sales Work center
  2. Go to Opportunities view
  3. In the object work list, select sort ascending/descending on the column country

You will see that the countries are not in the expected alphabetical order.
Example: While sorting ascending, you will see country Switzerland after Canada.


The system currently is set to, sorts by code value AD for Andorra and AE for United Arab Emirates, although it shows description on the UI. So based on the same since AD come before AE, it shows that Andorra is followed by United Arab Emirates in the drop-down list.


  1. Go to Sales Work Center.
  2. Go to Opportunities view.
  3. Click in Adapt button  and select  Enter Adaptation Mode
  4. Again click in Adapt button and select Edit Screen
  5. Go to the Extension field tab  and select the desired field
  6. Click in Configure Sorting and select Ascending Description, instead of Ascending Code
  7. Configure the values and save

Once this is done all the values will be sorted based on the description of the country, instead of the code value assigned against it.


Sorting, Country, Ascending, missing order, KUT fields, Code Value, Description. , KBA , AP-RC-UIF-RT , UI Framework Runtime , LOD-CRM-ACC , Account , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions