SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2816108 - The button Proceed to Run Phase is disabled.


You are in Realize phase (in Q System) and expect go to the Deploy or Run phase (in P System). However, the button Proceed to Run Phase is disabled (greyed out).


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition.

Reproducing the Issue

In Manage your solution go to Configure your solution choose some mandatory SSCUI and the button Proceed to Run Phase (located at bottom right corner on screen) is greyed out.


If you don't confirm the settings for all mandatory SSCUIs are correct this button will be disabled.


Before you can move from the Realize phase (in Q System) to the Deploy or Run phase (in P System), you must confirm the settings for all mandatory SSCUIs are correct.

To confirm the settings you need to change the status column from Open to Confirmed.

See Also

SAP Roadmap viewer

Using Configure Your Solution and Self Service Configuration User Interfaces  SSCUIs


SSCUI, Proceed to Run Phase, button disable, greyed out, Realize phase, Deploy phase, Run phase, mandatory SSCUI. , KBA , SV-CLD-SSC , Self-Service-Configurations-UI , How To


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions