The purpose of this KBA is to help SAP customers obtain a general idea of potential fixed situations in Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP02 PL09. Please be sure to read the Disclaimer below.
If the EBF/SP has been released, check the CR list and coverletter at the
Disclaimer: This document lists the targeted (not committed) release dates and the targeted fixed CR list for each release. Please be aware that the purpose of this posting is solely to provide you, our customers with estimated release dates and targeted CR lists. SAP does not commit to releasing on the specified dates or to including the CR fixes in the said release. While every effort will be made to meet the said targets, changes can occur at any time. It is also possible (although unlikely) that SAP may decide not to release an EBF/SP that was previously scheduled for release.
CR Number | Description |
477889 | When the Rep Agent configuration parameter 'trace log file' is changed while Rep Agent is running, the new value isn't dynamically taken into account. |
577300 | The message, "Message too long. Length = 1266008003", as opposed to the message, " < SQL_command > : Could not acquire < lock_type > due to < error_condition > .", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a transaction is started in a database that was first quiesced. See KBA 2705438 |
650665 | In rare circumstances the message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'norm3_expr' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'norm3__process_case' may be reported in the error log when a query includes a derived table and has a DISTINCT clause with a SUBQ in resdom and has an OJ. See KBA 2413073. |
694618 | The message, “The log page count in DBINFO for database < name > is inaccurate because dbi_freelogpages_at_ckpt < value > should be less than dbt_logsize < value > . Run DBCC TABLEALLOC(syslogs, full, fix) on this database in single-user mode to make the counts consistent again.”, may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during a database CHECKPOINT to help diagnose the origin of a 3475 error, “There is no space available in SYSLOGS to log a record for which space has been reserved in database < value > (id < value > ). This process will retry at intervals of one minute.”. |
717519 | The execution of "sp_setrepproc integer_p, 'table'" on primary ASE is replicated as "exec sp_setrepproc @replicate_name='integer_p', @setflag='table', @logflag='log_sproc'" which will lead to error 18108 because the parameters combination is incorrect. |
732697 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'sscan_copy_init' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'onlutl_getTS_for_lpage' and 'pg_oamscan_nextpage' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running REORG REBUILD ONLINE after executing a 'drop column with no datacopy' on a LOB column. |
744954 | A 10866 error, "The value of 'max concurrently recovered dbs' ('1') must be less than the value of 'syb_default_pool thread count' ('1'). Use sp_configure to lower the value of 'max concurrently recovered dbs' or raise the value of 'syb_default_pool thread count'.", may be reported when 'sp_configure "max concurrently recovered db", 1' is run followed by a 5849 error, "Verification failed for parameter 'max concurrently recovered db'". |
773417 | Additional information will be reported in the SAP ASE error log following a 4086 error, "Could not execute login script for user < name > ", allowing to help diagnose the cause of the error. |
774104 | A 15476 error, "Failed to find login password information for user < username > for key xxx", may be reported when 'login_passwd' option used in ALTER ENCRYPTION... MODIFY ENCRYPTION ... command on a connection authenticated using Kerberos. |
774751 | The value of IOTime, ReadTime and WriteTime queried from MDA monDeviceIO table may frequently overflow when ASE under heavy IO activity workloads. See KBA 2097726. |
778763 | dbcc memusage command might report inconsistent values under "Cache Memory" when caches are dynamically created/deleted. |
780627 | The execution of DBCC TUNE with option ‘des_greedyalloc’ does not report an error message when it is repeatedly executed on the same user table. See KBA 2845839. |
781187 | The error, "ct_connect(): directory service layer: internal directory control layer error: Requested server name not found", will be raised when trying to DUMP or LOAD an in-memory database using LDAP as directory service. |
787661 | When a process querying MDA tables hits an "infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" error, SAP ASE server may shut down with a message like "Spinlock [spinlock] at address [address] owned by [kpid]". See KBA 2764646. |
789192 | Under rare cisrcumstances, after an upgrade of SAP ASE, a 11031 error, "Procedure ' < procedure-name > ': Execution of SQL function < function-name > failed because of errors parsing the source text in syscomments during upgrade. Please drop and recreate dbo. < procedure-name > .", or a 11798 error, "Illegal CREATE FUNCTION statement within a scalar SQL function.", may be reported when executing a stored procedure or a function. See KBA 2217001. |
791720 | The tran_dumpable_status() function returns status 1 for offline databases marked suspect due to rollback even though the transaction log for such databases can still be dumped. See KBA 2237035. |
792561 | Updateable cursor scans do not apply on queries with sub-selects such as 'EXISTS' and 'NOT EXISTS' sub-queries. This restriction has now been relaxed when trace flag 11015 is enabled. See KBA 2246480. |
792900 | The commands GRANT and REVOKE are unexpectedly replicated when the permission applies to an object in the master database and the grantee is a role or a list of roles. As a consequence, when a GRANT command is executed on a user object in the master database, the SRS DSI thread is shutdown after receiving an ASE 208 error because the user object creation isn't replicated. |
798983 | In rare circumstances, the message "timeslice -501, current process infected" in the module 'kbfalloc' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'itl__realloc_aut_dict' and 'itl_au_update_xfer_mark' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when BCP is executed with multiple threads. |
799128 | In rare circumstances, a 821 error, "Attempt to unhash buffer in cache 'tempdb_cache' at ' < address > ' with a buffer pageno of ' < page-number > ' and database id ' < database-id > ' with HASHED status set failed - buffer was not found. 'Page pointer = < address > , pageno = < page-number > , status = < status-value > , ptnid = < partition-id > , indexid = 0, level = 0'.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query is killed while creating a worktable for reformatting. See KBA 2430458. |
800348 | In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module ‘ upwakeup’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘ kbctMain’ and ‘ krtctskRun’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log. See KBA 2769786. |
800624 | In rare circumstances, the message "timeslice < negative-value > , current process infected at < address > " in the modude 'sybcsi_digest_create' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'login' and 'login__checkauth' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during a login. The time slice error may cause new logins to sleep in "MAINTENANCE TOKEN" state as shown by sp_who and hang in module 'csimtx_lockafter'. See KBA 2348125. |
802852 | In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 's_unsave_kept_stmts' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_normalize' and 's_xform_to_execute' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query in a batch is executed and the statement cache is enabled. See KBA 2453655. |
803087 | The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'CgGenLava::CGConsScanOp' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_compile_stmt' and 'GenLava' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing a query that use a non-correlated subquery which contains an IN clause. See KBA 2383992. |
803603 | A 3732 error, "Cannot drop index < value > because there are one or more isolation level 0 scans, or REORG command, active on table." together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'xact__commitxact' and 'dropi' may be reported in the error log when DROP INDEX is executed. |
803791 | The performance of the user_name() builtin has been improved when it is used multilpe times in the same query. See KBA 2404672 |
804096 | The 'status2' column in system table 'sysdevices' has the 17th bit (Value 65536) set, but this is not documented. See KBA 2402811. |
806885 | In rare circumstances, the message, "Caught an Unknown exception in handleRPC" may be reported in the Webservices log when executing "exec sp_webservices 'add'" with a duplicate service name. See KBA 2710519 |
807420 | Msg 247, Level 16, State 1: "Arithmetic overflow during implicit conversion of UNSIGNED INT value " < value > " to a INT field" cat be seen when running the sp_spaceusage stored procedure to display syslogs. See KBA 2776772 |
808897 | In rare circumstances, a 706 error, "Process < value > tried to remove PROC_HDR < value > that it does not hold in Pss.", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'rm_prochdr' and 'memfree' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a process is killed. See KBA 2171618. |
809421 | In rare circumstances, after a column datatype of a Data-Only-Locked table is changed from INTEGER to CHAR/VARCHAR where the column is a part of a clustered index key, the 3121 error, "Index < table > .PK_ind (objid= < objid > , indid=2) may be invalid. It uses CHAR or VARCHAR columns in its key and was created under a different sort order ID ( < sort-order-id > ) or charset ID ( < char-set-id > ) than the ones on this server (SortOrd= < sort-order-id1 > , CharSet= < char-set-id1 > )", may be reported when a dump of the database is taken, and then loaded and an ONLINE DATABASE command is executed. See KBA 2755798. |
810647 | A 806 error, "Could not find virtual page for logical page < n > in database ' < dbname > '", may be reported in the SAP ASE log when updating a base table column used in a materialized view with 'IMMEDIATE REFRESH' if the base table has a TEXT and/or IMAGE column(s). See KBA ##2531239 |
811034 | The message "current process indectred with signal 8 (SIGFPE)" or "timeslice < value > , current process infected at < address > " in the module "s__collectdiagparam" may be reported in the errorlog when ASE has not restarted for long time. See KBA 2542965. |
811667 | In rare circumstances, if concurrent inserts are taking place into a Data Only Locked (DOL) table while REORG DEFRAG is executed, some inserted rows may not be visible after REORG DEFRAG is completed. See SAP note 2777678 |
811723 | In rare circumstances, the message, "JZ0R1: Result set is IDLE as you are not currently accessing a row." may be reported in the Webservices log file. See KBA 2559676 |
811764 | A 644 error, "Index row entry for data row id < page#, row# > ) is missing from index page < value > of index id < value > of table < name > in database < name > . Xactid is < page#, row# > ). Drop and re-create the index." together with a stack trace that includes the modules 'bt_delete' and 'row_delete' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log on a non-clustered index when DELETE commands are executed and the housekeeper task is performing aggressive garbage collection concurrently. See KBA 2523141. |
812077 | For the column of type unitext, if the value is NULL, SELECT on this column or implicitly converting this column to text may return unexpected data. See KBA 2564601. |
812328 | In rare circumstances, a 12311 error, "Internal error: address lock request on page < page number > of index id < index id > of table < table name > (id = < object id > ) in database < database name > failed with status < value > . No need to drop the index.", may be reported when running INSERT, UPDATE, or IMRS PACK operations and the transaction rollback. See KBA 2577215. |
812355 | The sybmon sqltext and planprint commands are enhanced to print the query text in the specified OHEADER address and to print only the Lava plan for the specified E_STMT address. |
812496 | A 8015 error, "Adaptive Server has truncated parameter number 3 passed to rpc 'as_db_dam' on server < server_name > . The remote server does not support character or binary data wider than 255 bytes.", may be reported when DUMP DATABASE is executed in server passthrough mode and the database option 'allow incremental dumps' is enabled. |
812532 | In rare circumstances, a 11060 error, "This statement has exceeded the maximum number of recompilations (10).", may be reported when Dynamic SQL queries are executed from Java or Python clients. See KBA 2845818. |
812704 | A new optimizer criteria 'numeric_alt' has been added to improve the performance of queries having large number of SUM aggregates run on SAP ASE in a Business Warehouse environment. |
813224 | An incorrect value like '# < value > ' may be seen in the 'Memory Used' column of the < sp_configure ‘max memory’ > output when the 'max memory' parameter is set to a value greater than or equal to 2048 GB. See KBA 2748384. |
813523 | The message, "timeslice < value > , current process infected at < value > " in the module 'pthread_cond_wait' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'np_io_read' and 'ct_results', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the Rep Agent is shutdown while the Replication Server is not reachable and the synchronous stream replication is enabled in an HADR setup. See KBA 2807757 |
813580 | In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'omni_ct_cancel' or 'uctSetIssuedCnt' or 'ct_poll' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'omni_ct_cancel' or 'omni_ct_close' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the SAP ASE configuration parameter 'cis idle connection timeout' is turned on. See KBA 2697042. |
814070 | Under some circumstances, the Abstract Plan may be incorrectly stripped off when a dynamic SQL uses polymorphic built-in functions in a cursor statement. See KBA 2749022. |
814910 | In rare circumstances, the message "Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception (0xc0000005) generated by a storage access violation" or an "infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'get_resrow_size' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LopInsert::_lopCodeGen' and 's _compile_stmt' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a query is compiled and an object ID has been recycled by Adaptive Server causing a conflict between a definition time object ID and a Light Weight Procedure (LWP) object ID. See KBA 2788678. |
814921 | An 16367 error, "EXECUTE AS OWNER procedures cannot be created by an alias or with the SETUSER command when the procedure has SQL statements that reference objects across databases. Create the procedure from a non-impersonated session.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when an impersonating user tries to execute a cross-database stored procedure which was created with the 'deferred name resolution' configuration enabled. See KBA 2755255. |
815204 | The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'np_conn_props' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'omni_ct_cancel' and 'hk_cis_idle_timeout' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when many CIS connections exist and the configuration option "cis idle connection timeout" is enabled. Alternatively the SIGSEGV can be hit in the modules ‘comn_loc_copy’, ‘ct_poll’, ‘ct_gp_version’, ‘ct_gp_version’ or ‘ct__tds_sendcmds’. See KBA 2651690. |
815559 | Occasionally the monProcessActivity MDA table may report negative value in LocksHeld column after the sp_sysmon or sp_monitor stored procedures are executed. See KBA 2755793. |
815569 | The configuration file offset record in the decompressed dump is not correct and hence sybmon cannot extract the original configuration file. |
815641 | A table with hash partitions, the column histogram steps does not match to the partition histogram after update statistics with different setting of "histogram tuning factor". See KBA 2662968 |
815772 | A 2714 error, "There is already an object named '## < table_name > ' in the database.", followed by a 4413 error, "View resolution could not succeed because the previously mentioned objects, upon which the view ' < view_name > ' directly or indirectly relies, do not currently exist. These objects need to be recreated for the view to be usable.", may be reported incorrectly during the execution of a SELECT query which references a VIEW that is making use of global temporary tables. |
815824 | The Spins, Waits and Grants columns in monSpinlockActivity MDA table will get wrapped at 2147483648 (2^31) even though the columns are defined as BIGINT. See KBA 2686281. |
815851 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 10 (SIGBUS)" in the module 'odlrh__toloh' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'onl__test_upgraded_replicated_db' and 'online_database' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, when a replicated database dump is loaded into an upgraded Adaptive Server version. See KBA 2686290. |
815867 | A 100015 soft fault (page loop error) may be reported by sp_dbcc_faultreport after executing a DBCC CHECKSTORAGE on a database that contains about 15000 syspartitions rows. See KBA 2670254. |
816001 | KBA 2754612 - The message, "The stored procedure < sproc_name > has an old format and cannot be used internally by Adaptive Server until it has been upgraded. You can execute DBCC UPGRADE_OBJECT( < sproc_name > ) to avoid this.", may be reported during an upgrade of SAP ASE to a higher version due to the system stored procedures being created with 'deferred name resolution' enabled in the pre-upgrade version. |
816054 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11(SIGSEGV)", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'bt__col_cmp_noopt' and 'bt__nonlfrow_cmp' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query with GROUP BY that contains expressions is executed. See KBA 2681394. |
816102 | The message, "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'norm3_expr' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'norm3__process_case' and 'crcpc_norm' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query with computed columns is executed. See KBA 2844942. |
816125 | A 11138 error, "Failed to create role < role_name_992 > , because this exceeds the maximum number roles limit of '1024'. Please delete roles you don't need and rerun your command.", may be reported when a user tries to create the 992nd role. See KBA ##2679595 |
816248 | INSERT to varchar column may incorrectly left trailing spaces if the source of the INSERT command is local variable and the query to insert the data is using UNION. See KBA 2683043. |
816272 | The system stored procedure 'sp_activeroles' may show only the latest granted user defined predicated role, even if multiple user defined predicated roles are granted to the login, when SAP ASE configuration option 'enable predicated privileges' is enabled. See KBA 2684433. |
816400 | In rare circumstances, the progress status message, 'Backup Server: Database < database_name > : < value > kilobytes ( < value > %) DUMPED.', may be truncated unexpectedly when DUMP DATABASE is executed. See KBA 2687371. |
816544 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'ubfreef' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'cm_increase_cache_size' and 'cfg__updatecache', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when increasing the size of an inmemory cache. See KBA 2691539. |
816571 | The message, "Assertion (!keylength || !statp- > st_cache.st_length || ((statp- > st_descending ? -1 : 1) * compare_value( stu_null_datatype(histp- > st_steps. st_dt.st_idatatype), statp- >, statp- > st_cache.st_length, keybufp, keylength)) > = 0)", together with a stack trace which includes the module 'ups_histogram_gather' may be reported when creating a unique index on a CHAR column on a partition table and the diagserver binary is in use. |
816694 | The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'pipe_read' or 'pipe_write' together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the parallel execution of a Lava query. See KBA 2694998. |
816715 | A memory leak in the Backup Server may be seen every time a DUMP of an in-memory database is taken. |
816716 | A 11030 error, "Execution of unknown type ptncond_xxx_0 failed because of errors parsing the source text in syscomments during upgrade. Please drop and recreate dbo.ptncond_xxx_0.", can be seen after an upgrade when a roundrobin partitioned table with a clustered index has an index key with bigdatetime/bigdate/bigtime datatype. See KBA 2697077. |
816829 | Occasionally on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system, some column values in the monState MDA table, including ULCKBWritten, LogicalReads, PhysicalReads etc. might suddenly become decreased. See KBA 2748418. |
817066 | The configuration option, "abstract plan dynamic replace", has been extended to accept a new option value of '2'. When the configuration option is set to '2', the parameterized SQL text with its abstract plan will be saved in sysqueryplans. |
817069 | A 5861 error, "The current 'max memory' value ' < value > ', is not sufficient to change the parameter 'allow updates to system tables' to '1'. 'max memory' should be greater than 'total logical memory' ' < value > ' required for the configuration.", might be reported when running sp_configure with options like "allow updates" that do not require more memory when static config parameters such as "global cache partitions" is set to a non-default value and the amount of free memory remaining is relatively small. See KBA 2817648. |
817072 | The jobs scheduled by the SAP ASE Job Scheduler does not expire after the timeout period even when the 'default_timeout' for the job is set to a non-zero value in the absence of 'timeout' for the scheduled job. See KBA 2748408. |
817097 | A 325 error, "Adaptive Server finds no legal query plan for this statement. If an Abstract Plan is forcing the query plan, check its correspondence to the query. If not, please contact Sybase Technical Support.", may be reported when a SELECT query with two tables join and a GROUP BY clause on each side of the join is executed while the optimization goal allrows_mix is enabled but hash_join is not. See KBA 2708697. |
817125 | The values of variables used with the CREATE/ALTER/DROP LOGIN commands are not captured in the audit records when global auditing is on and the audit option 'login_admin' is enabled. See KBA 2746705. |
817191 | A 267 error, "Object ' < name > ' cannot be found.", may be reported when using global temporary table in a query and the global temporary table name exceeds 255 characters. |
817220 | Under rare circumstances, a spid involving remote I/O and the back trace of that spid using 'dbcc stacktrace( < spid > )' includes the module omni_ct_connect, usctconnect and ksctsuspend, may not hit timeslice error if there is any issues in the module ksctsuspend. |
817243 | The 632 error, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of < size > . Maximum allowed length is < max_size > .", with state 2 does not provide diagnostic info. See KBA 2776092. |
817270 | When printing the "end of stack trace" message, incorrect suid was printed as a negative number when the suid is greater than 32K. The user's suid is 37029. "end of stack trace, spid 18125, kpid 1085497422, suid -28507". |
817271 | In rare circumstances, REORG REBUILD INDEX may hang due to latch self-deadlock if concurrent processes are splitting leaf pages of the same table while running REORG REBUILD INDEX on the same table. See KBA 2713796. |
817283 | A 2847 error, "The object < sp_xxx > is not a SQLJ function. If this is a SQL function, specify owner.objectname", and a 14216 error, "Function < sp_xxx > not found. If this is a SQLJ function or SQL function, use sp_help to check whether the object exists (sp_help may produce a large amount of output)", will be reported when attempting to access SQL UDFs residing in sybsystemprocs whose names begin with "sp_" from any other database. See KBA 2714003. |
817366 | Trace flag 7817 is enhanced to make it possible to detect the rare occurrence when an attention acknowledgement is split across two TDS packets. Such occurrences are characterized by the message, "send_done: spid < id > vsn < no > acking attention with donestat 0x20", being followed by the message, "ussflush: spid < id > vsn < no > sending 16384 bytes with tds TDSEOM 0 under pending attention", where TDSEOM is 0 (rather than 1). |
817400 | In rare circumstances, random failures with the message "current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when SELECT queries were earlier executed with the reformat strategy applied and the reformat worktable had rows whose size was unexpectedly bigger than the current Adaptive Server configured page size. See KBA 2763915. |
817401 | Using KILL < spid > WITH FORCE on an idle process can result in the process remaining alive and reported by sp_who despite the connection is released. See KBA 2719233. |
817424 | A 4623 error, "Error encountered while retrieving column information. Aborting grant/revoke command.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the configuration option 'enable predicated privileges' is enabled and a SELECT from table variables is executed. See KBA 2720607. |
817431 | Update the SAP ASE integrated JREs to SAP JRE 8.1.046 and SAP JRE 7.1.060. |
817472 | When a database is extended using asynchronous initialization and the new pages occupy a database range that has been asynchronously initialized before and later dropped using ALTER DATABASE OFF, some of the pages in the new fragment could remain uninitialized. |
817499 | DBCC ORPHANTABLES may falsely identify actively used temporary tables that are created inside a stored procedure as orphan tables. See KBA 2714936. |
817535 | In rare circumstances, the message, "Invalid OAM page (OAMINVALID_1) stat 4: pageno= < value > , sdes_stat= < value > , pstat= < value > , dbid=5, etc.", together with a stack trace that includes the modules 'th_accounting', 'th_sleep_on_lct' and 'terminate_process', may be printed in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query that requires a work table to be created is killed. See KBA 2871745. |
817545 | The error message, "ct_results(): network packet layer: internal net library error: Net-Library operation terminated due to disconnect", followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'omni_exec_immediate', ' omni_sync_roles' and 'set_role', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing SET ROLE REPLICATION_ROLE ON in the context of proxy objects. See KBA 2786327. |
817593 | The MDA table monDeviceSpaceUsage does not return any rows for database devices that are created on block device. See KBA 2728041 |
817606 | In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'metrics_proc_dump' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'd_flushmetrics' and 'exec_dbcc', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing sp_metrics 'flush' and the procedure cache is being cleaned up in parallel. See KBA 2730139. |
817619 | The message, "Security Control Layer's memory allocation routine returned an error.", and the message, "SCL error in function: sec_setup. Operation: sec_memalloc().", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the memory pool used for external authentication such as Kerberos becomes fragmented. See KBA 2732809. |
817620 | When LOAD TRANSACTION < database_name > WITH LISTONLY = LOAD_SQL is executed, SAP ASE may incorrectly report the option WITH PASSWD for a transaction dump that was dumped without password protection, if a subsequent transaction dump was taken with password protection. |
817629 | Under rare circumstances, a 1608 error, "A client process exited abnormally, or a network error was encountered" together with timeslice error followed by a stack trace which includes the module 'LopSubqAttach::GroupSimilarSubqNode' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a nested subquery is executed. See KBA 2727908. |
817680 | A 632 error, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of < value > . Maximum allowed length is < value > .", may be reported during database encryption. See KBA 2761091. |
817682 | A 18302 error, "User < login name > is not a valid user in the < db name > database.", may be reported even when a user having sa_role executes the stored procedure sp_dbcc_faultreport. See KBA 2731983. |
817697 | In rare circumstances, it may be impossible to KILL a blocked process when the system tempdb log is full and tempdb is a mixed data and log database. See KBA 2734951. |
817734 | SQL statement replication involving quoted identifiers may cause the SAP SRS DSI to shut down after receiving an SAP ASE error indicating a syntax error, or after hitting SAP SRS error 5186, "Row count mismatch for the SQL Statement Replication command executed on ' < servername > . < dbname > '.". See KBA 2721403. |
817736 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'LeTableFunctionOp::copyInParam' followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'LeTableFunctionOp::_LeOpOpen', 'LeOperator::LeOpOpen' and 'LeNLJOp::_LeOpNext', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when selecting from a table-valued UDF with column and constant parameters. See KBA 2843589. |
817750 | In rare circumstances, the message, "The bit for alloc page < value > in database < number > is clear. It should be set.", may be repotred when DBCC GAM is executed. See KBA 2733631. |
817752 | Under rare circumstances in an HADR setup, if the connection between SAP ASE Rep Agent and SAP Replication Server is down and up again, this may prevent some data from being replicated which will be replicated upon Rep Agent restart. The message, "(CI-Info) Message: 1001, Severity: 0 ( < dbname > )MSProdReceiver: notify client consumer is down strm < address > ...", will be reported in the ASE error log, but will not be followed by an expected 9414 error, "RepAgent( < dbid > ): Streaming replication stream CI Library error error -1 with severity 2 and message 'Producer receiver ' < dbname > ’' failed to receive data, shutting down transport to ‘ocs:host:port'.'. Rep Agent detected error 3 with message 'Unknown' at line 0 in file nofilename.". |
817834 | A 1028 error, "Failed to apply the top operator 'nl_join'", may be reported when an UPDATE query involving a remote table with a join condition on the update column is executed. See KBA 2736509. |
817868 | In rare circumstances, DUMP DATABASE or DUMP TRANSACTION will sleep indefinitely when sp_dump_history is run with the 'purge' option at the exact same time as the DUMP and the configuration parameter 'enable dump history' is enabled. See KBA 2737615. |
817869 | In rare circumstances, a 102 error, "Incorrect syntax near ';'.", followed by a 111 error, "CREATE PROCEDURE must be the first command in a query batch.", and a 156 error, "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'END'.", may be reported when CREATE PROCEDURE is executed and the stored procedure text includes a large number of white space characters. See KBA 2716155. |
817925 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'mda__get_procedure_schemas' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'mda_populate_monCachedProcedures' and 'mda_exec' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query on the MDA table monCachedProcedures is executed. See KBA 2755225 |
817933 | On Windows platforms, the message, " < pca_jvm_tmp_dir > \ < file_name > (Access is denied)", together with a Java stack trace may be reported when the IO operations are performed with Java IO API and the configured pca_jvm_tmp_dir is not accessible. |
817964 | A 11060 error, "This statement has exceeded the maximum number of recompilations (20). This indicates an internal error. Please note the error prior to this one and contact SAP Technical Support.", may be reported during the execution of a SELECT query that references a view with tables that were dropped, re-created, or altered. See KBA 2791952. |
817974 | If the configuration parameter "enable concurrent dump tran" is set to 1, SAP ASE may allow a transaction dump to be loaded on top of the wrong full database dump, if it was generated concurrently with it, and the transaction dump ends between the time the full database dump started and the dump instant time was taken. Alternatively, a 4305 error, "Specified dump file ' < filename > ' is out of sequence.", may be incorrectly reported when trying to load a transaction dump generated after the concurrent transaction dump finished. |
818006 | A 12834 error, "The login name ' < login_name > ' is invalid. The LDAP subsystem reported error '(license ASE_DIRS is not enabled)'." may be reported when executing the stored procedure sp_ldapadmin 'check_login', ' < login_name > ' while the configuration option 'enable ldap user auth' is disabled and a valid ASE_DIRS license exists. See KBA 2742137. |
818020 | KBA 2752182 - In rare circumstances, the message, "Failed to execute the threshold procedure for database < dbid > , segment 2, free space < num > ." or the message, "Failed to find specified threshold in threshold cache on instance 1 for database mld ( < dbid > ), segment 2, free space < num > . Use 'dbcc thresholds' to see the threshold cache contents.", may be printed in the SAP ASE error log when multiple tasks hit the threshold at the same time. This mainly happens for mixed log/data databases. |
818080 | Improve the performance of recovery redo pass phase in SAP Adaptive Server when open transactions with many log records had to be redone during boot recovery. See KBA 2817693. |
818084 | A 6701 error, “Could not open dbid < value > , object id < value > .”, may be reported followed by an implicit transaction abort, during a Business Suite zero-downtime upgrade which prevents the upgrade from succeeding. |
818102 | In a HADR system, under rare circumstances, when the primary host is shut down or the network on primary host is down, an unplanned failover could take a long time. |
818168 | A 1526 error, "Sort failure. The configure size for data cache ( < name > ) is not sufficient to handle the sort buffers ( < value > ) requested. Please reconfigure the data cache or sort buffers and try the command again.", may be reported during the execution of a query with a non-unique state value which prevents us to identify the root cause of the error. See KBA 2748397. |
818208 | In an HADR environment, the replication of a DDL command using quoted identifiers and executed in a non-replicated stored procedure may cause the SRS DSI to shutdown after receiving a syntax error from the replicate ASE. |
818231 | In rare circumstances, using the 'setLong' method in a PreparedStatement may result in an incorrect value being assigned to a BIGINT datatype when the Java code is executed inside SAP ASE using the SAP ASE's internal sybase.asejdbc.ASEDriver driver. See KBA 2748353 |
818245 | A 7625 error, "Audit table number ' < value > ' is invalid." with state 3, prints a incorrect value for the audit table number. See KBA 2751731. |
818264 | A stored procedure which uses multiple IF, ELSE, or WHILE clauses to conditionally execute DML statements may have the stored procedure text incorrectly saved in syscomments. See KBA 2749949. |
818299 | A 10353 error, "You must have any of the following role(s) to execute this command/procedure: 'sybase_ts_role'. Please contact a user with the appropriate role for help.", will be reported when sp_config_rep_agent is executed which results in the failure to log the RepAgent configuration change to the SAP ASE error log. This error will cause the SRS DSI connection to shut down as this error is mapped to STOP_REPLICATION action. |
818302 | In rare circumstances on a heavily-loaded multi-engine system, high contention on the database spinlock (rdbt_spin) may be seen during the execution of a large number of cross-database queries. See KBA 2776093. |
818311 | Under rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module ‘mbkt_do_alloc’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘js__queue_jobid’ and ‘js_wakeup’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when multiple requests to start the job scheduler are made simultaneously. See KBA 2787012. |
818321 | The message, "FATAL UNHANDLED EXCEPTION: signal < number > hit while handling a previously hit signal. The server cannot continue and will shut down.", may be reported in the SAP ASE log when an external signal is send to ASE e.g. via O/S kill command. See KBA 2682383. |
818324 | Under rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'kstcpnetctlrNcheckQuit' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ncheck_checksocket' and 'krtctskException' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log and SAP ASE may become unresponsive. See KBA 2757868 |
818327 | On heavily loaded systems, spinlock contention on SSQLCACHE_SPIN may be observed on statement cache when a prepared statement performing INSERT statements with numeric datatypes (or similar) are present and the option DYNAMIC_PREPARE is set to FALSE. SAP KBA 2770344 |
818344 | Add "Warning:" before the text for error message 10828. The new message is "Warning: Consider increasing the value of configuration parameter 'max memory' or decreasing the value of configuration parameters causing significant memory consumption, such as 'number of user connections'." |
818373 | Under rare circumstances, a 12583 error, "Unable to log a record in database < name > (id < value > ) due to internal error -8.", may be reported when a session that is writing log records is killed with the WITH FORCE option. See KBA 2790981. |
818438 | sp_shmdumpconfig reports incorrect numbers for Data Caches & Server Memory fields. It adds half the combined Data Caches size to Server Memory field. See KBA 2755150. |
818469 | A 4325 error, "The specified recovery date ( < value > ) is not between the start ( < value2 > ) and end ( < value3 > ) date.", may be reported when LOAD TRANSACTION WITH UNTIL_TIME= < Point_In_Time_Recovery > is executed and the transaction dump when taken has a dump instant value that is later than the specified PITR value. |
818487 | The message "Current process < value > infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'des_udesfree' may be reported when we downgrade a database by sp_downgrade_esd and try to boot the server with the downgrade binary. This might be observed for a downgrade from SP02 PL08 to any lower version of ASE. See KBA 2767571. |
818538 | In rare circumstances, a process may run into a self-deadlock with the message, "Killing spid: < value > will not be immediate because it is waiting for a latch held by spid: < value > .", reported in the SAP ASE error log upon a KILL. This process was attempting to create a temporary table but was waiting for an allocation page lock which was held by another process. See KBA 2789764. |
818611 | SAP ASE may choose a non-performant query plan execution when a query with a ROWS LIMIT/OFFSET clause using a MAXINT value is executed. See SAP Note 2783751. |
818627 | In rare circumstances, following a 1204 error, "ASE has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure ASE with more LOCKS.", queries or built-ins execution on SYSLOGINS may hang. See KBA 2763234. |
818632 | The message "current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'LeRun' followed by a stack trace that includes the modules 'LeEvals::LeEvRun', 'LeRestrictOp::_LeOpOpen' and 'LeScalarAggOp::_LeOpOpen', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a prepared statement has parameter markers as an operand in CASE search condition. SAP KBA 2762616 |
818671 | In rare circumstance, a significant increase of CPU time is seen for table scans on tables which have data compression enabled when the number of concurrent scan tasks increases. |
818746 | Under rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'dso_resgov_timlim' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a task disconnects at the same moment a limit is crossed and the limit action is enforced. SAP KBA 2767573. |
818778 | In rare circumstances, a 9502 error "string data right truncated" may be raised when applications using parameterized prepared statement with dynamic SQL that uses a LIKE clause in its query over a univarchar column and statement cache is ON. See KBA 2779052. |
818812 | In some circumstances, query using compressed index may not return all qualified data rows on data-only locked tables. See KBA 2803119. |
818828 | A 3602 error, “Transaction has been rolled back.”, may be reported when performing DML commands on a table that once had trigger with multiple actions created for the table and the same trigger have been dropped. See KBA 2771427. |
818852 | A 10795 error, "The file ' < xx > .class' contained in the jar does not represent a valid Java class file" may be reported while install the jar file in ASE database. See KBA 2790939. |
818885 | When running sp_sysmon using the appl or appl_and_login option, the application or application- > login section reports inaccurate Disk and Network I/Os when there are multiple sessions with the same application or application- > login pairing. See KBA 2776095. |
818891 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'logcommand' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'oh_copy' and 'oh_dup', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when When creating login within IF-ELSE with auditing enabled. See KBA 2843548. |
818953 | The message "ELC_VALIDATION_ERROR: Page address not aligned to memory page size.", followed by "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'subp' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_execsetvar' and 'subparams' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when prepared INSERT statements are executed. See KBA 2774710. |
818971 | The message "Current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'proc_setdb' together with a stacktrace which includes the modules 's_getTreeOrPlan' and 'kw_exec' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when DBCC CHECKSTORAGE is run on a database with many partitioned tables and the values for the configuration options 'number of open objects', 'number of open indexes' and 'number of open partitions' are not enough established. See KBA 2785031. |
818972 | The message "current process infected with 11" in the module 'lt_run' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'lt_send_row', 'mda_populate_monMemoryUsage', 'mdarpc_exec' and 'execrpc' may be reported in the error log when the monMemoryUsage MDA table is queried remotely as an RPC for a proxy table. See KBA 2781904. |
818978 | A 7124 error, "The offset and length specified in the READTEXT command is greater than the actual data length of < value > ." may be reported when running "readtext" with the "size" or "offset" parameter datatype different than integer. See KBA 2778603. |
819011 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'prSQLTEXT' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running DBCC SQLTEXT on a spid executing a cursor which has been marked as a zombie. See KBA 2780164. |
819132 | The message "timeslice -501, current process infected" in the module 'exc_raise' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'loginfo_get' and 'loginfo_builtin' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the built-in loginfo( < dbid > , 'inactive_pages') is executed on a mixed-log-and-data database. See KBA 2747600. |
819178 | Under rare circumstances, in a HADR setup, when the primary Adaptive Server is rebooted, it may start as standby and the message, "WARNING: split brain check refused to allow this server to become Primary", along with the message, "remote HADR server < server-name > is STANDBY, but configured for PRIMARY", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log. |
819187 | In rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module ‘kstcpnetctlrCancelRequests’ together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log. If shared memory dump is configured for signal 11, then ASE may hang. See KBA 2786903. |
819212 | A 632 error, "Attempt to move memory with an incorrect length of -xxx. Maximum allowed length is 16384", may be reported when executing CREATE LOGIN command followed by the execution of a stored procedure which contains SELECT query while auditing is enabled. See KBA 2788657. |
819224 | The message "current process infected with signal 8 (SIGFPE)" in the module 'proc_setdb' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_getTreeOrPlan', 'attachrule' and 's_compile' may be reported in the error log. See KBA 2593370. |
819230 | In rare circumstance, 9952 error, "Workspace < string > is too small to permit the CHECKSTORAGE operation to proceed. Use sp_dbcc_alterws and sp_dbcc_updateconfig to correct the problem", may be reported when running DBCC CHECKSTORAGE() on a very large database with a large scan workspace (whose size is greater than 80G) configured. See KBA 2025063. |
819231 | Under rare circumstances, the message "Volume validation error: attempt to open < ASE_devicename > returned No such file or directory", may be reported on a Solaris platform during the execution of a DUMP command when the Backup Server received a SIGPOLL signal while attempting to open an ASE device. See KBA 2774930. |
819237 | In rare circumstance, an outer join query may return a wrong result when a SQL UDF is used in the WHERE clause and the SQL UDF's parameter is passed in as a column name but not a variable. See KBA 2791388 |
819242 | The message, "current process infected with 10 (SIGBUS)", in the module 'LeOperator::LeOpSaveIOStats' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeRetnCode LeDMLOp::_LeOpClose' and 'exec_lava' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a query when the statement cache is incoherent which can lead to Adaptive Server shutting down implicitly. See KBA 2405522. |
819247 | In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'memmove' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'bt__getrestartkey' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when UPDATE STATISTICS is being run while DML commands are concurrently executed on the same table. See KBA 2792088. |
819260 | A 911 error, "Attempt to locate entry in sysdatabases for database '' by name failed - no entry found under that name. Make sure that name is entered properly.", may be reported when a prepared statement issuing CHECKPOINT < database_name > is executed. See KBA 2791971. |
819273 | SAP Adaptive Server dataserver process leaks O/S memory when the built-in xmlextract() is executed. See KBA 2806756. |
819308 | In rare circumstances, a 2620 error, “The offset of the row number at offset < value > does not match the entry in the offset table of the following page: Page pointer = < value > , pageno = < value > , etc.”, together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘update’ and ‘putdrow’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during a DML execution on an All Pages Locked (APL) table when one or more previous UPDATE command(s) were executed in deferred mode. See KBA 2838778. |
819329 | In rare circumstances the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'd_orphantables' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'exec_dbcc' and 's_execute' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when running DBCC ORPHANTABLES with the option 'drop' to delete an orphan temporary table. See KBA 2795213. |
819340 | In rare scenario ASE may issue error 834 with state 3 leading to checkpoint worker being blocked. The transaction log may subsequently fill. See KBA 2869028. |
819388 | In rare circumstances, SAP Adaptive Server may not shutdown when the SHUTDOWN command is executed or when shutdown from the Windows Service. The module 'shutdownjobscheduler’ will be reported by DBCC STACKTRACE on the session executing the SHUTDOWN command or the SHUTDOWN HANDLER task. See KBA 2797851. |
819401 | The 'histogram_tuning_factor' parameter of UPDATE STATISTICS command doesn't take effect for partitioned tables when it is different from the Adaptive Server configuration option 'histogram tuning factor' value. See KBA 2662968 |
819412 | In rare circumstances, a 3328 error, "Redo of 'CREATE INDEX' in transaction ID ( < page# > , < row# > ) for table name < objname > , object ID < objid > did not find 'syscolumns' system catalog log record. Recovery of database < dbname > cannot continue.", may be raised during LOAD TRANSACTION recovery when before the index creation the table had a non-materialized column with a constant default value and some other column of the table was dropped with 'no datacopy' option. |
819437 | A 12324 error, "In database < name > , the server failed to open required table 'SYSPARTITIONS'. Please contact SAP Technical Support.", may be reported when a full database dump is loaded on a database that is marked as suspect due to a previously hit 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #= < value > , object id = < value > , page timestamp= < value > . Log old timestamp= < value > . Log record marker = ( < value > ). Transaction ID = ( < value > ).". See KBA 2808901. |
819452 | A 3474 error, "During redo the page timestamp value is less than old timestamp from log. Page #= < page-number > , object id = < object-id > , page timestamp= < page-timestamp > . Log old timestamp= < log-old-timestamp > . Log record marker = ( < page-number, row-number > ). Transaction ID = ( < page-number, row-number > ).", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during LOAD TRANSACTION when either trace flag 1773 or 1774 is enabled to defer the recovery of indices at online time respectively in automatic or manual mode. |
819468 | When the configuration option 'enable granular permissions' is set, a user that is aliased to dbo in the master database is aliased to dbo in all databases. See KBA 2795960. |
819479 | The message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'LePipeRWState::_LePrwsWriteConstant' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeExecuteWorkUnits' and 'LavaThreadDriver' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query is executed in parallel. See KBA 2694998. |
819493 | A 247 error, "Arithmetic overflow during explicit conversion of FLOAT value ' < value > ' to a NUMERIC field" may be reported when executing sp_helpcache or manually querying the syscacheinfo or syscachepoolinfo view on the system that configures very large caches. See KBA 2402812 |
819500 | Under rare circumstances, on a heavily-loaded multi-engine SAP ASE, the 'Operations' column in monOpenObjectActivity MDA table might get wrapped in a short time. |
819523 | A 2901 error, "Exception stack limit exceeded", followed by a rolled back transaction, may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing "dbcc upgrade_object(dbname, 'procedure', 'check')" on AIX platform. |
819538 | jConnect applications may fail with the message, ‘java.sql.SQLException: JZ00L: Login failed. Examine the SQLWarnings chained to this exception for the reason(s).’, reported when SAP ASE is configured with MIT Kerberos and charset conversion is not available between Adaptive Server and jConnect charsets in use. See KBA 2807020. |
819559 | The message, "timeslice < value > , current process infected at < value > ", in the module 'pthread_cond_timedwait' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'MSOCSSendMsg' and 'ct_results', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when the connection between SAP ASE Rep Agent and SAP Replication Server is down and synchronous stream replication is enabled in an HADR setup. See KBA 2807757. |
819560 | In rare circumstances, SAP ASE Rep Agent hangs on startup in an HADR setup due to a previous abnormal termination following a time slice error encountered. The call stack of the Rep Agent task will report the module 'upyield' followed by the modules 'ra_ci_main_thread', 'ra__ci_setup' and 'ra_ci_init_CI_lib'. See KBA 2807757. |
819570 | Under rare circumstances, a 3935 error, "Fatal protocol error. xact_beginupdate() API was invoked in the wrong context. The transaction is currently in 'NULL XDES' state.", may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when before many 1105 errors were encountered. See KBA 2816667. |
819618 | When SAP ASE is configured with a server page size larger than 2K bytes, the replication of a jar image installed with the utility installjava, may fail due to badly formed LTL commands sent to SRS by Replication Agent. |
819626 | Workload capture takes longer time to stop especially when ASE configured with multiple online engines. The more engines configured, the more time it takes to stop the workload capture. Typically, it may takes over 1 minute when ASE configured with 32 engines. |
819682 | The message, "Adaptive Server Enterprise system exception ( < address > ) generated by a storage access violation.", in the module 'ise_mapsqlaccess' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'revokeacct' and 'd_iseadmin' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when sp_grantlogin is executed on Windows platform if either the Integrated Security mode or the Mixed mode is in use. See KBA 2815124. |
819746 | The message 156 "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'else'." can be seen when running the sp_dropdevice command after an upgrade. See KBA 2818609. |
819751 | Diagnostic enhancement to include spid, hostname, application name and SQL text for the message "stack_tracer: stack overflow last chance handler". |
819756 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'com__exctnume_copy' together with stack trace which includes the module 's__convert_nume' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a prepared statement performs UPDATE on numeric columns to NULL and the option DYNAMIC_PREPARE is set to FALSE and trace flag 11013 is enabled. See KBA 2819614. |
819760 | In rare circumstances, a 6103 error, "Unable to do cleanup for the killed process; received Msg 835.", may be incorrectly raised, or the previously raised critical error may get erroneously re-raised by the same spid (and different kpid), or the spid for network listener may hit a SIGSEGV error together with the stack trace showing 'pss_free_seqhdrs' reported in the SAP ASE error log. You can enable trace flag 8601 either during ASE start-up or at run time using DBCC TRACEON to avoid these errors. See KBA 2838149. |
819782 | A 840 error, "Device ' < device-name > ' (with physical name ' < physical-name > ', and virtual device number < value > ) has not been correctly activated at startup time. Please contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.", may be reported in SAP ASE error log when Adaptice Server is configured for HADR. |
819795 | The message "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)" can be seen in the ASE error log when multiple "alter database .. encrypt" or "alter database .. decrypt" commands are run simultaneously and there are not enough "number of worker processes" available to service the encryption or decryption tasks. See KBA 2822653. |
819816 | A 9204 error, "RepAgent( < database-id > ): Could not locate schema for object with id = ( < object-id > ), current marker ( < page-number > , < row-number > ).", may be reported when 'REORG REBUILD < table-name > WITH ONLINE' is executed in a database using synchronous replication under an HADR setup. See KBA 2823970. |
819831 | In rare circumstances, in a replication setup the truncation of the SAP ASE transaction log may be prevented because REORG REBUILD command was unnecessarily marked for replication. |
819845 | In very rare circumstances, the message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSGEV)" in the module 'pg_get_alloc_page' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'pg_oamscan_nextpage' and 'dol_oamscan_getnext' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the execution of a query. See KBA 2835036. |
819846 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'rvm_has_decrypt_permission' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'LeRun' and 'exec_lava' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when a SELECT query against an encrypted column is executed. See KBA 2827203. |
819901 | In rare circumstances a 692, 834, 4216 or 4218 error can be reported in the SAP ASE error log when LTL mode replication is enabled and the Rep Agent configuration parameter 'multithread rep agent' is set to 'true'. The errors are seen after DUMP TRANSACTION is executed or when Rep Agent is started. |
819904 | In rare circumstances, the message "timeslice - < integer value > , current process infected at < hexadecimal value > " or the message "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" together with a stack trace which includes the module 'ra_sender_thread' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when shutting down Rep Agent in a database setup for LTL mode replication and the Rep Agent configuration parameters 'multithread rep agent' and 'multiple scanners' are set to 'true'. See KBA 2843602. |
819977 | A 712 error, "There is insufficient heap memory to allocate < number > bytes. Please increase configuration parameter 'heap memory per user' or try again when there is less activity on the system.”, may be reported during the execution of a query when frequent MERGE statements were run and their target table had an update trigger executed. Alternatively, the message, "Could not obtain required number < number-of-bytes > of resource of type 'Pss Heap Memory'. Since the process absolutely requires this resource, it is going to wait indefinitely till the resource becomes available. Please increase the configuration parameter 'heap memory per user'.”, may be reported in the SAP ASE error log. See KBA 2835522. |
819996 | In rare circumstances, under an HADR setup when synchronous replication is enabled, the message, "A message from Replication Agent ' < database-name > ' is coming: 'buffer_pool_size for < database-name > is adjusted from < larger-size > to < smaller-size > .", followed by the message, "A message from Replication Agent ' < database-name > ' is coming: 'buffer_pool_size for < database-name > is adjusted from < smaller-size > to < larger-size > .", may be reported in the SAP Replication Server error log. |
820049 | In rare circumstances, a 1204 error, "ASE has run out of LOCKS. Re-run your command when there are fewer active users, or contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role to reconfigure ASE with more LOCKS.", together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's _get_usr_goal' and 'pss_init' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when Adaptive Server runs out-of-locks. Alternatively a time slice error may be seen in the module 'listener'. See KBA 2838550. |
820140 | The message, "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'syb_get_sess_pwd' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'ra_open_context' and 'ra_sync_credentials' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when Rep Agent receives a retry-able error such as a disconnection from SRS, in a database setup for LTL mode replication and the Rep Agent configuration parameters 'multithread rep agent' and 'multiple scanners' are enabled. See KBA 2847131 |
820151 | The execution of CREATE LOGIN < login-name > WITH PASSWORD < password > DEFAULT DATABASE < database-name > may fail at the client-application side with a java.lang.NullPointerException error after upgrading to Adaptive Server 16.0 because a NULL value for status5 column of master..sysdatabases may unexpectedly be seen. |
820163 | In rare circumstances, the message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'crdb__phys' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'crdb_tempdb' and 'recover_tempdb' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the creation of a user temporary database while booting Adaptive Server. See KBA 2845915. |
820202 | SAP ASE Rep Agent may terminate abnormally with a 9209 error, "RepAgent( < database-id > ): Missing datarow in TEXT/IMAGE/UNITEXT insert log record....", or a 9204 error, "RepAgent( < database-id > ): Could not locate schema for object with id = ( < object-id > ), current marker ( < page-number > , < row-number > ).", when REORG REBUILD is executed on a replicated table on which ALTER TABLE...WITH NO DATACOPY had previously been executed. |
820207 | The message, "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)" in the module 'pchk_fault' together with a stack trace which includes the module 'pchk_chk_txt_chain' may be reported in the SAP error log during CHECKSTORAGE when configured for multiple worker processes and one or more tables have LOB columns. See KBA 2845515. |
820213 | The message, "The Replication Agent thread for database ' < database-name > ' is not currently running.", may be reported when sp_stop_rep_agent < database-name > is executed, while the message, "A Rep Agent Thread for database ' < database-name > ' (dbid= < database-id > ) is already running.", is reported when sp_start_rep_agent < database-name > is run. |
820220 | New trace flag 11021 introduced whereby the built-in ISNUMERIC() behavior is reverted to pre-CR 767440 fix. See KBA 2053654. |
820268 | Under some circumstances, a remapping Error: 2805, may be seen in the error log on execution of sql statement containing constants in both the predicate and in a group by clause. |
820290 | The message, "current process infected with 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'pipe_write' together with a stack trace may be reported in the SAP ASE error log during the parallel execution of a Lava query. See KBA 2694998. |
820300 | Lack of diagnostics prevents root cause analysis when an error 834, state 3 is raised which leads to transaction log getting full with below error message: Space available in segment < segment_name > has fallen critically low in database < dbname > . All future modifications to this database will be aborted until the transaction log is successfully dumped and space becomes available. Diagnostic reporting to error log has been introduced which are disabled by default and can be enabled under trace flag 891. Trace flag 894 can be enabled to raise exception 835, state 11 instead of reporting diagnostics. Previously introduced trace flag 893 is obsolete. |
820315 | The message, "Current process infected with signal 11 (SIGSEGV)", in the module 'do_needed' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 'redo_bt_rebldleafs' and 'ldxact' may be reported in the SAP ASE error log, when a database dump that was taken after a reorg rebuild command was run, is loaded with trace flag 3303 enabled. |
820329 | The message, "timeslice < value > , current process infected at < value > ", in the module 's__setup_hostvars' together with a stack trace which includes the modules 's_xform_to_execute' and 's_normalize', may be reported in the SAP ASE error log when executing a user query having very large IN list with host variables if Statement Cache is on. See KBA 2857869. |
820483 | A 605 error, “An attempt was made to fetch logical page < page-number > ' from cache < datacache-name > . Page belongs to database 'sybsystemprocs' (31514), object 'sysprocedures' (5), index 'sysprocedures' (0), partition 'sysprocedures_5' (5) and not to database 'sybsystemprocs' (31514), object 'syslogs' (8), index 'syslogs' (0), partition 'syslogs_8' (8).”, in the module ‘xxs__loglast’ together with a stack trace which includes the modules ‘hadr_getremote_status’ and ‘hadr_init’ may be reported in the SAP ASE error log occasionally in an HADR setup during the boot time of the Adaptive Server. |
820521 | When trace flag 4899 is enabled, Adaptive Server will perform additional row format validations when the rows being inserted into a table are formatted by the client application such as JDBC using bulk copy option. |
820545 | A 9219 error, "Internal error.", followed by a 9204 error, "RepAgent( < database-id > ): Could not locate schema for object with id = ( < object-id > ), current marker (0, 0)." may be reported in SAP ASE error log when a very large number of DDL commands are executed concurrently in a database using synchronous replication under an HADR setup. |
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CR, CR List, ASE 16.0 SP02 PL09, ASE SP02 PL09, SP02 PL09, Adaptive Server Enterprise, Fix, Patch, Error, Bug , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , BW-SYS-DB-SYB , BW on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem
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