When viewing details for an employee in a variable pay worksheet, the business goals section will have no entries.
**Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental**
- SAP SuccessFactors Variable Pay
Reproducing the Issue
- You have imported/created business goals as directed in KBA 2077491
- You have matched it to the correct goal plan, lookup field, and lookup field value
- Log in as planner
- Click on the [ ⋮ ] button on a launched worksheet and select "View Details"
- No business goals will be listed for the employee
This happens when the lookup field used for the business goal is a pick-list, and the lookup value you assign is the label for the pick-list option.
To correct this, you must replace the labels in the Field Lookup Value column with the appropriate optionID of the same label in the pick-list.
- Go to Admin Center > Company Settings > Manage Business Configuration
- Look for the lookup field (NOTE: the label may not match exactly, so please reference your data model so that you can use the proper field ID
- click on Details
- The pick-list will show the pick-list ID being used by the lookup field
- Now exit back to Admin Center
- Go to Company Settings> Picklists Management
- Click Download Export
- Open the file
- Search for the pick-list ID
- Use the numbers from the second column that equates to the same lookup values that you want to reference in the business goals
- Now, go to Compensation Home > your template
- Click on Plan Setup > Plan Details > Manage Business Goals
- Replace every instance of the lookup field value with the optionID you took from step 10
- Repeat the process for every lookup field used for your business goals
Once that's done, don't forget to Save, Recalculate Bonus, and then launch a new test form
See Also
2077491 - Manage Data - Variable Pay Business Goals
missing goals, business goals, variable pay goals, , KBA , LOD-SF-VRP-BON , Bonus, calculating bonus, payouts, etc. , Problem