SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2817001 - Extension Field Default Value is cleared after entering a value in other fields


You have created an Extension Field XYZ (XYZ stands for the extension field name) in a Quick Create screen (Sales Quote in our example); this field has a default value which is initially being filled as expected. However once you entered the Account ABC, the field value is being cleared.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

Example: the Extension Field XYZ is in the Sales Quote Quick Create screen. The same behaviour is true for other views.

  1. Go to the Sales workcenter.
  2. Go to the Sales Quote view.
  3. Click New to create a new Sales Quote. The default value for the field XYZ is set as expected.
  4. Enter Account ABC.

Result: the extension field value is being cleared.


You are using an Extension Scenario for Accounts in the Extension Field XYZ; the Account ABC does not have a value for the field XYZ entered. The system checks for the field value of the Extension Scenario and if it does not match the initially filled value, the value is being cleared.


This is the designed behavior. Please adapt your scenario accordingly if you do not wish for the default value to be cleared (essentially all objects in the Extension Scenario will have to have the default value of the field and then the default value will not be cleared).

Please note that the described behaviour applies for any C4C screens and extension scenarios.


extension field, default value, cleared, deleted, empty, blank, create , KBA , LOD-CRM-ACC , Account , LOD-LE-CQP , Customer Quote Processing , Problem


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions