SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2817185 - Resource not shown in the available resources list in the plan customer projects app


When trying to add a new resource to a work package, the employees from a cost center are not showing on the list.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to "Plan Customer Projects" app.
  2. Click Edit and select the Work Packages tab.
  3. Select a Work Package.
  4. Try to add a resource to a role and the resource does not appear.


Below are the possible reasons:

  1. The cost center of the employee is not assigned to the Delivery Organization of the resource.
  2. In case no Delivery Organization is assigned, the cost center of the employee is not assigned to the Service Organization of the project.
  3. The cost center validity dates do not fit the project duration dates.
  4. There is no cost center assigned to the employee.
  5. There is no Weekly Working Days, Weekly Working Hours, Employment Percentage in employee workagreement.
  6. The scope item 6JO or 1KC or Advanced Resource Management are active but no daily availability is maintained for the employee.


Below are the available solutions regarding the causes above:

  1. Please check if the assigned Delivery Organization for the role has the cost center of the employee that the user would like an employee assigned to it.
  2. In case no Delivery Organization is assigned to the role, check if the project's Service Organization has the cost center of the employee for the employee that the user would like an employee staffed to.
  3. Check if the employee has an assigned cost center, in order for the employee to show up for staffing it needs to be assigned to a cost center.
  4. Also check if the validity dates of the Cost Center fit the Project Duration, if it doesn't please adjust the validity dates.
  5. Check if Weekly Working Days, Weekly Working Hours, Employment Percentage are maintained in employee workagreement. Check in the app "Manage Workforce", to confirm this data is correct.
  6. Once scope item 6JO / 1KC / Advanced Resource Management is activated in the system, the user must maintain daily availability for the employees. Otherwise, it is not able to staff resources. Please follow scope item J11 / 1KC / 6JO to look up "Daily Availability" for the related information.


Plan Customer Projects, Cost Center, Delivery Organization, employee, role, project dates, service organization, cost rates, work package, person, user, resource, J11, 1KC, Advanced Resource Management, add resource, assign, teams tab. No data found. Try adjusting the filter settings , KBA , CA-CPD-SS , S/4HANA Public Cloud – Professional Service Projects , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions