SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2817232 - Sorting is disabled on a chart because Top N has been automatically applied in SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC)


When creating a chart, you get the warning "Top N has been automatically applied to the chart because your data selection has too many values. To reduce the amount of data in the chart, add some filters"


When you try to apply a different sort to the chart, the sort option is grayed out.


  • SAP Analytics Cloud 2021.20+

Reproducing the Issue


This feature is intended help SAC Chart designers avoid overplotting their charts and give enough data to allow designers to adjust filters or the structure of their charts to provide the best visualization.


The Auto Top N feature will trigger at different numbers of records depending on the type of chart.  It can be overridden if you set a manual Top N value larger than the default value.

Note: These values are current as of wave 2020.02

Chart Type Auto Top N Trigger Mobile Auto Top N Trigger Scrollbar
Area 500 50 Yes
Bar / Column 500 20 Yes
Box Plot 4000 1000 Yes
Bullet No Limits Defined
Cluster Bubble 1000 500 No
Combination Column & Line 500 20 Yes
Combination Stacked Column & Line 500 20 Yes
Donut Chart 10 10 No
Heat Map 500 50 No
Line 500 50 No
Marimekko 500 20 No
Pie Chart 10 10 No
Radar 500 20 No
Stacked Bar/Column  2500 20 Yes
Tree Map 500 50 No
Scatterplot No Limits Defined
Bubble No Limits Defined
Trend Time Series No Limits Defined
Waterfall No Limits Defined

Note: There is a different type of sort called Auto Limit that may be applied if the following criteria are met:

  1. No Rank

  2. Time entity must exist and must be bound to the outer most dimension

  3. The chart must support Sort (Heatmap is not supported even though it supports Sort)

  4. Either Chart has no existing Sort or a sort exists on the Time dimension

if Auto Limit is triggered, then it will automatically query and sort (ascending) the last-N values sorted by the Time entity provided the Time entity exists and is the outer most dimension.

Exception as limitation by design: This solution does not apply to Box Plot as Box Plot doesn't currently support manually defining a rank. Without that it's not possible to override the Auto Top N with a larger value.

Extra Note: In Optimized Design mode and Optimized View mode Auto Limits no longer re-order time data

See Also

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SAP Cloud for Planning, sc4p, c4p, cforp, cloudforplanning, EPM-ODS, Cloud for Analytics, Cloud4Analytics, CloudforAnalytics, Cloud 4 Planning, BOC, SAPBusinessObjectsCloud, BusinessObjectsCloud, BOBJcloud, BOCloud., SAC, SAP AC, Cloud-Analytics, CloudAnalytics, SAPCloudAnalytics chart data sort sorting,Top N has been automatically applied to the chart because your data selection has too many values. To reduce the amount of data in the chart, add some filters, Top N, chart too many values. , KBA , LOD-ANA , SAP Analytics Cloud (SAC) , LOD-ANA-BI , Business Intelligence Functionality, Analytic Models , LOD-ANA-PL , Planning , LOD-ANA-BR , SAC Boardroom , LOD-ANA-PR , SAC Predictive , Problem


SAP Analytics Cloud 1.0