- How many employees can report to a Matrix Manager?
- Number of employees that Matrix Manager can accomodate.
- Designated number of employees for Matrix Manager.
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Cloud
There is no limit on how many employees can report to a Matrix Manager. The thing that we have to consider here is the Matrix Report Threshold.
This is used to limit the number of persons displayed in the org chart. If a matrix/custom manager has matrix/custom reports that exceed this threshold, then zero matrix/custom reports are shown.
Threshold can be increased via Provisioning, however, only SAP Certified Implementation Partners and Support Engineers have access to it. If you want to increase it, then please consult your implementation partner if you have one, or raise a separate case under component of LOD-SF-PLT.
See Also
2079991 - How to add more than one Job Relationship of the same Type - Employee Central
2465696 - Matrix Report Threshold - My Team Tile (Matrix manager)
matrix report, limit, employee to matrix manager, manager , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-POS , Position Management , LOD-SF-PLT-ORG , Org Chart Issues , How To