All Tickets being created at the system are showing the Priority as Normal.
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Service work center.
- Select the Tickets view.
- Open Ticket ID XYZ (XYZ represents the ID of a Social Media Created Ticket).
- Edit and change the priority from Normal to Urgent.
- Save the changes.
- Close the Ticket.
- Open the Ticket again and see that after a new customer message arrives, the priority is set to Normal again.
For Standard Tickets (not created via Social Media) - there is no Workflow Rule maintained to update the Priority Field
For Social Media Tickets - there are no Social Media Message Prioritization Settings maintained on the system.
Standard Tickets - Please create a Workflow Rule that updates the field Priority based on your needs/conditions.
For Social Media Tickets - The Priority of Social Media Created Tickets is controlled by the Social Media Prioritization Settings. Every time a new message arrives from the Social Media Channel, the system checks the prioritization settings maintained and change the priority of the Ticket accordingly. If there are no settings maintained, the system uses the Priority Normal as default.
To change the behavior, please maintained Social Media Message Prioritization Settings. More information can be found on the Help Document Social Media Message Prioritization Settings
Social Media ; Ticket ; Priority ; Facebook ; Twitter ; Youtube ; Instagram , KBA , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To