You don't know why you receive an error when migrating open sales orders.
Error message: PAF: Inbound Processing: System Failure
SAP Business byDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Click on Overview
- Search for Migration of Open Sales Orders and select it
- Click on Open
- Click on Migrate open sales orders using the migration tool
- Select the appropriate file
- Click on Execute Migration Step-by-Step
- Click on Repeat Simulation > Simulate for all records
- Statistics: Error detected during import simulation
- Error detected in source record
- PAF Inbound processing: System Failure
A possible cause might be that the data passed in the individual dates is not correct and that the total amount exceeds the item net value.
- Go to Business Configuration work center
- Click on Overview
- Search for Migration of Open Sales Orders and select it
- Click on Open
- Click on Migrate open sales orders using the migration tool
- Select the appropriate file
- Click on Execute Migration Step-by-Step
- Click on Repeat Simulation > Simulate for all records
- Click on Edit Source Record
- Click on the second tab Items
- Take note of the Net Value for the Sales Order ID and for the Line Item
- Click on the tab Items Individual Dates
- Calculate the amounts for the individual dates
- Verify that the amount doesn't exceed the item Net Value
See Also
2033854 - Error: PAF Inbound Processing: System Failure During Migration of Projects
2987536 - Error: PAF: Inbound Processing: System Failure When Migration Open Sales Orders
Migration von offenen Kundenaufträgen, Fehlermeldung PAF: Eingangsverarbeitung: Systemfehler, Meldungsnr. DMC_RT_MSG116, es ist ein Systemfehler beim Inbound Processing im Zielsystem aufgetreten, die Bearbeitung konnte für das Business Object nicht erfolgreich beendet werden, Hinweis auf Fehlerdump nicht nachvollziehbar, Fehleranalyse nicht möglich , KBA , paf: inbound processing: system failure , AP-SLO-PRO , Sales order project processing , SRD-CC-MIG-CNT , Migration: Content , Problem