SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2817970 - Post job offer in uniform format - Recruiting Posting


  • My job offer is displayed differently on each job board. Is there a way to have the same candidate experience on all selected job boards?
  • My job is published on job boards but it does not keep the same formatting.


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting


The technology differs on each job board, so you cannot expect to have your job offer displayed exactly the same way.
Some job boards use HTML formatting, others don't or use a specific template.

As a general advice, keep your offer simple with a limited amount of formatting. Thus, the candidate will have less chance to come across a job offer with missing or misplaced elements.

Also, avoid copying the content from, for instance, a Word document, as it can hide some additional HTML tags that will be applied. This can be applied to text directly put in the Recruiting Posting module, or in the Job Requisition in Recruiting Management.

If the current job board integration does not support HTML formatting, but the job board is willing to change, they can request an integration update (see SAP Knowledge Base Article 2773045).

See Also

2773045 - Job board integration update - Recruiting Posting


Recruiting Posting, formatting, template, display, job boards, offer, wrong, inconsistent, incorrect, HTML, rpo , KBA , LOD-SF-RPO-USE , Interface Use , LOD-SF-RPO-DIS , Broadcasting/Display Discrepancies , How To


SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Posting all versions